It can take up to 24hours before it’s available in all selected regions
Unfortunately this is going already on for way too long,
if you don’t make watch apps, disable Bluetooth to skip this step.
you Can create a free Apple developer account and reinstall your app every 7 days,
if you want a year then you’ll need to pay $99.
good luck 😃
There is a way to do that.
try to login with your username and password
on another device accept the request
login using password(2FA code)
if your password is MyPassword01! And 2FA code is 123456 login with MyPassword01!123456
You can also generate a verification code manually: In iOS, open Settings > [your account] > Password & Security and then tap Get Verification Code.
Are you sure the problem is the browser, and not your (JavaScript) code.
Yes. I did that also before they were accepting Dutch payment systems.
thats not nice 😭.
please try contacting apple
good luck.
update: direct link
please ask on since this forum is developer related, and we probably don’t have a answer for you.
If you talk about the developer settings in the settings application that one will disappear after a reboot.
if you mean Xcode previews, I’ve no idea how to remove it (permanently)
That must be your app.
Click on file -> project settings. It tells you where Xcode is putting the build.
The "arrow" button - it will open the folder for you in finder.
No, this is not supported.
you can always request features at
If you play a DRM enabled movie/sound the system blocks screenshots and screen recording
Delete the app from your device (not the simulator), if your app is using location, set the location to Apple hq, and try to run it on a real device using those conditions.
This is not possible.
Apple wil generate a random email which you can use to send a email, if needed.