Hello everybody ,Two days ago I submitted my first iOS app. I was super excited. Yesterday my app came back rejected with “metadata rejected”. I am very inexperienced and I kind of panic and tried everything to solve it. I replied in the resolution center and then I made the mistake of clicking submit for review. And now I am waiting.Sorry to bother you but I really would like to hear from somebody with experience what is going to happen now...- Since I clicked submit for review will my app be again in the beginning of the queue?- what happens to my response in the resolution center? Will my reviewer still read it?- How long, in the worst case scenario will it take to get some feedback back?Thank you so much.Best regards,
Hello everybody,I am new to iOS development. I am trying to to load a web view into my app. I got it working but there is one line of code that I fundamentally don't understand.override func loadView() {
webView = WKWebView()
webView.navigationDelegate = self
view = webView //Cada ViewController tem uma view associada.
}What am I telling to the view when I write webView.navigationDelegate = self? In my head it makes much more sense if it was:self.view = webView.navigationDelegate Can you help me?Thank you! 😀
Hello everybody,I am new to iOS development and I found an error that I can not get past. I have read a lot online and on Stackoverflow but I don't understand why this error keeps coming up.I have a table view controller and I want to write text to other view controller using:navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)I have this class where I already have an outlet for the label.import UIKit
class PetitionDetailsViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var PetitionDetailsOutlet: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
}On the other class I have this code where I try to add text to the label in the PetitionDetailsViewController after tapping one of the rows in the table view.override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let viewController = PetitionDetailsViewController()
viewController.PetitionDetailsOutlet.text = petitions[indexPath.row].body
navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
}I don't understand why this error keeps coming up. I have the outlet and initially the label is empty.Why is it nil?
Hello everyone,I am trying to edit a tab bar controller to display more items. I am using a UIWindow but it just does not work. I have followed some tutorials and one thing I noticed is that in everyone of the the window property is already there.In my version of Xcode it is not. I have to declare it myself.Can you help me? Here is the code I am using.It always prints "exits with error". 😟class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
//Window em que a aplicação está a ser executada.
//Função chamada pelo iOS quando a app termina de carregar.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
if let tabBarController = window?.rootViewController as? UITabBarController {
//Neste projeto, se repararmos no storyboard o primeiro ecrã que vemos faz referência a um tab bar controller, por isso está tudo dentro dele.
//Por isso é que o default view controller é um tab bar controller.
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let viewController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(identifier: "NavController")
//Adicionamos um tabBarItem ao view controller.
viewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(tabBarSystemItem: .topRated, tag: 1)
//The default value of this property is nil. When configuring a tab bar controller, you can use this property to specify the content for each tab of the tab bar interface.
else {
print("Exits with error.")
return true
Hello!I want to verify a property of a tagBarItem but the navigation controller needs to be accessed on the main queue.However, I have a blocking call that I want to be processed in the background.The problem is that in line 15 when I access the value of petitionString it is empty.What am I doing wrong?performSelector(inBackground: #selector(fetchJSON), with: nil)@objc func fetchJSON() {
var petitionURLString: String = ""
DispatchQueue.main.async {
[weak self] in
if self?.navigationController?.tabBarItem.tag == 0 {
petitionURLString = "https://www.hackingwithswift.com/samples/petitions-1.json"
else {
petitionURLString = "https://www.hackingwithswift.com/samples/petitions-2.json"
if let url = URL(string: petitionURLString) {
if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) { //Este método é chamado de blocking call bloqueia a execução de código até todos os dados estarem descarregados.
//É seguro fazer parsing dos dados mas como pode dar erro usamos try?
parseData(json: data)
Hello everybody,I am using a button trigger in Playgrounds to pass the button title to a function in another class.@objc func letterButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
sender.isHidden = true
letter = sender.currentTitle?.uppercased()
if letter != nil {
game.checkLetterInWord(letter: letter!)
}In this function above I check if the letter is nil first, so I don't undertstand why the function finds nil...public func checkLetterInWord(letter: String!) -> Bool {
let wordCharacters = Array(word)
return true
}What am I doing wrong? Thank you for you help!
Hello everybody,I am having trouble in updating the text of a label. This only happens when I am about to call another function which is very strange.Here is my code:func updateWordLabelAndCheckVictory(letter: String, indexArray: [Int]) {
if let currentLabel = wordLabel.text {
var wordArray = Array(currentLabel)
for i in indexArray {
wordArray[i] = Character(letter)
wordLabel.text = String(wordArray)
if (game.checkVictory(label: wordLabel.text!)) {
currentGame += 1
}I update the label in line 11. When the condition in line 13 is met the presentVictoryView method (line 15) executes before the label is updated... I don't really know what I am doing wrong. If I comment line 15 and don't call the presentVictoryView method the label is updated as usual...Could you please help me?Thank you.
Hello everybody,I have an animation to create ballons floating from the bottom to the top of the screen. Despite producing the behaviour I want, at some point, when the ballons are floating upwards the objectView I am using one ballon gets printed at the top left corner of the screen and does not move or disappear.Has this ever happend to any of you?func presentVictoryView(word: String) {
blackView.isHidden = false
for _ in 0 ... 30 {
let objectView = UIView()
objectView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
objectView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 100)
objectView.backgroundColor = .clear
//objectView.alpha = CGFloat(0.9)
objectView.isHidden = false
let ballon = UILabel()
ballon.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
ballon.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 100)
ballon.backgroundColor = .clear
//ballon.alpha = CGFloat(0.9)
ballon.text = ""
ballon.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 60)
ballon.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: objectView.centerXAnchor),
ballon.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: objectView.centerYAnchor)
let randomXOffset = Int.random(in: -120 ..< 200)
let path = UIBezierPath()
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 160 + randomXOffset, y: 1000))
path.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 100 + randomXOffset, y: -300), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: 300 - randomXOffset, y: 600), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: 70 + randomXOffset, y: 300))
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "position")
animation.path = path.cgPath
animation.repeatCount = 1
animation.duration = Double(arc4random_uniform(40) + 30) / 10
//animation.timeOffset = Double(arc4random_uniform(50))
objectView.layer.add(animation, forKey: "animate position along path")
}I have tried a lot of things... I don't know what I am doing wrong...Thank you!
Hello everyone,I am working on a Playground and I can change the font type of my label. I have tried doing it in several different ways and I just can't do it.var clueLabel = UILabel()
clueLabel.font = UIFont(name: "MarkerFelt-Wide", size: 45)
clueLabel.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 45, weight: .bold)
clueLabel.textColor = UIColor.black
clueLabel.textAlignment = .center
view.addSubview(clueLabel)What am I doing wrong? I want to use the font Marker Felt.Thank you
Hello everyone,
I want to use a map view to display an annotation but when I place it on the view it always stays in at the center of the map view.
I want to give it some offset so that it goes a little bit upwards.
This is the code I have so far. Could you please help me?
let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: CLLOcationDegrees, longitudeDelta: CLLOcationDegrees)
let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: observationCoordinates, span: span)
let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = observationCoordinates
uiView.setRegion(region, animated: true)
Thank you for your help.
Hello everybody,
I am trying to navigate from one view to another using NavigationView and NavigationLink.
I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, but the way I am doing it I get a warning saying:
"Result of NavigationLink<Label, Destination> is unused".
In fact, I can't navigate to the view I want to open.
Here is my code so far:
NavigationView {
VStack {
Button(action: {
let observation = self.createObservation()
NavigationLink(destination: ObservationDetails(observation: observation).environmentObject(self.records)) {
}) {
Thank you for your help!
Hello everybody,
I am building a Map and I am using a map view that I want to be always present in the interface. However, the user can share to show its location or not.
The Map view requires a region. But I want to show an empty map view with just the grid on with a message.
Do you know if it is possible to achieve that? Thank you!
let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: CLLOcationDegrees, longitudeDelta: CLLOcationDegrees)
let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: observationCoordinates, span: span)
let annotation =	MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = observationCoordinates
uiView.setRegion(region, animated: true)
Hello everybody,
I used Google Cloud Platform to create a Machine learning model to perform computer vision. I downloaded the CoreML model from the cloud platform website and followed the instructions in the Google Tutorial for iOS model deployment.
This is my code currently.
class Classification {
private lazy var classificationRequest: VNCoreMLRequest = {
do {
let model = try VNCoreMLModel(for: AutoML().model)
let request = VNCoreMLRequest(model: model, completionHandler: { [weak self] request, error in
if let classifications = request.results as? [VNClassificationObservation] {
print(classifications.first ?? "No classification!")
request.imageCropAndScaleOption = .scaleFit
return request
catch {
fatalError("Error! Can't use Model.")
func classifyImage(receivedImage: UIImage) {
let orientation = CGImagePropertyOrientation(rawValue: UInt32(receivedImage.imageOrientation.rawValue))
if let image = CIImage(image: receivedImage) {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(ciImage: image, orientation: orientation!)
do {
try handler.perform([self.classificationRequest])
catch {
fatalError("Error classifying image!")
My code executes and I receive this:
<VNClassificationObservation: 0x600002091d40> A7DBD70C-541C-4112-84A4-C6B4ED2EB7E2 requestRevision=1 confidence=0.332127 "CICAgICAwPmveRIJQWdsYWlzX2lv"
I receive a confidence value but I don't receive a label string.
Is there any step I am not taking?
With the model there is also a dict.txt file. Is there anything I have to do with that and that I am not doing?
Thank you!
Hello everybody,
For the past week I have been struggling to run inference on a classifier I built using Google's AutoML Vision tool.
At first I thought everything would go smoothly because Google allows to export a CoreML version of the final model. I assumed I would only need to use Apple's CoreML library to make it work. When I export the model Google provides a .mlmodel file and a dict.txt file with the classification labels. For the current model I have 100 labels.
This is my Swift code to run inference on the model.
private lazy var classificationRequest: VNCoreMLRequest = {
				do {
						let classificationModel = try VNCoreMLModel(for: NewGenusModel().model)
						let request = VNCoreMLRequest(model: classificationModel, completionHandler: { [weak self] request, error in
								self?.processClassifications(for: request, error: error)
						request.imageCropAndScaleOption = .scaleFit
						return request
				catch {
						fatalError("Error! Can't use Model.")
		func classifyImage(receivedImage: UIImage) {
				let orientation = CGImagePropertyOrientation(rawValue: UInt32(receivedImage.imageOrientation.rawValue))
				if let image = CIImage(image: receivedImage) {
						DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
								let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(ciImage: image, orientation: orientation!)
								do {
										try handler.perform([self.classificationRequest])
								catch {
										fatalError("Error classifying image!")
The problem started when I tried to pass a UIImage to run inference on the model. The input type of the original model was MultiArray (Float32 1 x 224 x 224 x 3). Using Coremltools library I was able to convert the input type to Image (Color 224 x 224) using Python.
This worked and here is my code:
import coremltools
import coremltools.proto.FeatureTypes_pb2 as ft
spec = coremltools.utils.load_spec("model.mlmodel")
input = spec.description.input[0]
input.type.imageType.colorSpace = ft.ImageFeatureType.RGB
input.type.imageType.height = 224
input.type.imageType.width = 224
coremltools.utils.save_spec(spec, "newModel.mlmodel")
My problem now is with the output type. I want to be able to access the confidence of the classification as well as the result label of the classification. Again using coremltools I was able to to access the output description and I got this.
name: "scores"
type {
	multiArrayType {
		dataType: FLOAT32
I am trying to change it this way:
f = open("dict.txt", "r")
labels = f.read()
class_labels = labels.splitlines()
class_labels = class_labels[1:]
assert len(class_labels) == 57
for i, label in enumerate(class_labels):
	if isinstance(label, bytes):
		class_labels[i] = label.decode("utf8")
classifier_config = ct.ClassifierConfig(class_labels)
output = spec.description.output[0]
output.type = ft.DictionaryFeatureType
Unfortunately this is not working and I can't find information only that can help me... This I don't know what to do next.
Thank you for your help!
In my application I am going to create a settings screen that will allow the user to change a couple of aspects in terms of how the core feature of the app works.
I have been wondering what might be the best way to save the user settings. I have considered global variables, binding variables and user defaults.
When it comes to global variables I don't think I have ever used them, with the exception of debugging. I kinda consider it a bad practice and I don't think all the screens of my app should have the ability to see and change this values.
Then, there is the possibility of using binding variables. I think this may be like trying to kill a fly with a war tank. I think it is too much and adds a lot of complexity to something that should be pretty straight-forward.
Finally, user defaults, to me, seems the best way to go. I can change it and keep persistency and it can be accessed easily.
What do you think is the best way to go?
Thank you for your help.