You can play around with the examples like Sensor arcade.
But where is the function for the mushrooms popup?
How can I create my similar project?
So i have been looking at the playground on iPad. You can change functions and so on but not all is clear. In the Sensor Arcade project where do the mushrooms come from and how can I change the images of mushrooms and the player?
Also I want to make the project my own so to speak so I can continue to work on it. How do I do that?
Hi! So I am not really sure how all this works.
I want to use realtime data from the trains and buses in Sweden.
This is their page:
As I understand it I should use GTFS data which come in Protobuf format.
I think I must convert the Protobuf-data to Swift code. Not sure if this involves json.
One file I have has the extension .pb.
I tried to use this page:
When I write this:
$ git checkout tags/1.1.1
$ swift build -c release -Xswiftc -static-stdlib
I get this error:
"error: 'swift-protobuf': the Swift tools version specification is possibly missing a version specifier; consider using '// swift-tools-version: 6.0.3' to specify the current Swift toolchain version as the lowest Swift version supported by the project"
As you understand I am really not sure what I'm doing. Maybe there is a better way?
Any help would be highly appreciated.