




UIKit Autocomplete Broken in Xcode 15.0.1 Playgrounds
I recently updated to Xcode 15.0.1. Autocomplete for UIKit in Xcode Playgrounds seems to be non-functional. I'm able to write the code and compile it, but the autocomplete feature is entirely absent. Just to clarify, I'm referring to the regular Xcode Playgrounds, not the Swift Playgrounds App. Here's a basic example: import UIKit let label = UILabel() When I option-click on label, Xcode displays the type as <<error type>>. Additionally, after running the playground, the spinner at the top indicates "Ready to Continue", but it just doesn't stop spinning. Has anyone else faced this issue? Has UIKit support in Playgrounds has been deprecated or is this just a bug? I tried deleting and reinstalling Xcode and updating macOS to Sonoma.
Oct ’23
Swift Package IBDesignable Views not rendering in Interface Builder
Does anyone know why I get the following error in Interface Builder when I try to refresh a view created in a Swift Package? Build Failed ❌ The built product "Users/*MyName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DeriverData/*PackageBuildDirectory/Build/Intermediates.noIndex/IBDesignables/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/*PackageName" does not exist in the file system. Make sure your built products contains either an application or a framework product." I can trigger this warning simply by creating a new package, marking a blank UIView as IBDesignable, and bringing it onto a storyboard in the same package. I saw someone suggest that this was happening when they had their project directory on the macOS Desktop which was syncing to iCloud, but my project is on the local HD. I also have a similar issue with Images. I can add an image to my assets catalog, create a UIImageView in Interface Builder, and select it in the image drop-down menu. But when I run the application I get the error: Could not load the "ImageName" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.myCompany.MyApp" It's so strange that Xcode is able to show me the image in Interface Builder, but then fail to retrieve it at runtime. I can load the asset just fine from code. I posted this issue on Stackoverflow here My other option was to build this as a Framework project ("old school") but I've never actually attempted to do this. I'm a bit concerned about binary size since there are numerous image assets. Im also not sure how git work with embedded frameworks. Would be great to have this app as one repository. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :-) Using Xcode 13.2.1
May ’22
Xcode 13 Document Types pane bugged. Missing fields; Text is upside down.
Hi I am trying to create a new document type in my Xcode project but the Document Type pane is bugged. I can't see all the fields, can't click on anything where it says 'Click here to add additional document type properties' and the text fields are even being rendered upside down! I first tried on Xcode 13.1, then updated to 13.2.1 Same issue. Computer language set to English. Nothing unusual about my OS. I tried adjusting my screen resolution. Nothing. Mac mini (M1, 2020)
Dec ’21
How to sync UIManagedDocuments to users devices
I would like to create a document based application, but I would like to leverage CoreData's advanced filtering and sorting. From my understanding, this is what UIManagedDocument is for. My application lives in a weird sort of place. The database likely shouldn't be exposed to the users in the documents directory so I have been saving in application support. Still, I would still like to be able to sync my user's data across multiple devices. In a basic CoreData application this is possible with CloudKit, but is this possible with UIManagedDocument?
Dec ’21