Hi. It would be helpful if you'd describe what your app does (and what theme it uses). It's impossible for us to know why Apple thinks that your app is similar to others. For example a rejection could be triggered if you have a game that is visually very similar to other games. If you are certain that your game is unique you can write an appeal to Apple Review Board, telling exactly what is different compared to other games.
That's good advice. Focus on the product and how to deliver the best possible experience to your users and they will be happy to use your app, despite some faked reviews.
I'm experiencing the same issue. I can't upload the app ...
Yep, I'm using Unity 2021 and Xcode 13.4.1 and having the same issue.
In regards to this issue, I was able to upload and successfully processed it (using Unity 2021.3.4f1 and XCode 13.4.1), so I can say it was resolved for us.
It would be helpful if you could describe what your app does, so we see the bigger picture of your case. Additionally, it would be helpful if you tell how you named your app.
Is this the first submission of this app or an update? Additionally, is this your first app on your account or you already have other apps? What is your app about?
What does your app do, that you got flagged for SPAM?
"Guideline 4.3 - Design
We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam."
Hello there,
If the status of the subscription is "waiting for review", I would wait. However I understand that it may have a strange status and most likely the subscription was rejected, so personally if after a week the subscription isn't reviewed I would:
Contact Apple and explain the issue
Submit the app again (along with subscription)
Please let us know, how it goes.
"but Apple has still insisted on a business license, even after receiving such a letter."
Are you an individual or a company? Is your company a "financial" company?
If your legal entity is a cryptocurrency exchange then it's best for you to provide the documents that Apple requires from you. There is no other way. If you will or not be approved on the App Store, nobody knows but chances are significantly higher if you do what Apple asks.
Additionally to everything, note that cryptocurrency apps are a grey area and in the end, Apple decides best in its own interest (know that Apple will protect its users first). It's different if the app is submitted by a big company that already established a cryptocurrency business on its own website (ex. Binance) or just a recently registered crypto exchange.
Hope you resolve your issue.
My personal experience with such implementation: I can't stand apps that I download and then I must create an account in order to use them. I delete such apps immediately because I simply don't trust them. There was 0 effort for the app to "bond" with me as a user. It's a frustrating experience for me.
On the other side as a developer, I understand your problem but there are several things you can do in order to protect the integrity of your game. One idea is that in "guest" mode, you just don't accept / store any coins from the client and you let the user know this is the case (ex. until it registers the progress won't be saved on the server).
Anyway, there are many things you can do here. There are multiple solutions in which you can take to give the user a good user experience and on your side, to protect the integrity of the app.
Just don't make apps that require user login before using them.
How do I implement inn app purches to make it stay a web page?
You cannot redirect users outside of the app to make a purchase. All content must be processed within your application via the StoreKit framework. What is your case? Why you would want to send a user to purchase on the web?
Did you implement SKStoreReviewController in your app? How do you get reviews? Additionally, what is your app id?
It's the first time that I saw this issue. Related to the first post it seems that this really isn't the desired behavior. However, this time the suggestions seem to me pretty normal. As far as I know, the suggestions are mostly made of popular searches (people searching for a term), and app names.
What seems to be the issue here exactly?