I'm going to file my own bug report on Monday because I'm having these problems since iOS 18 Beta 1 and they haven't done anything to fix it. Thanks for the info.
Yes. The value of the relationship is available in the second device, it just doesn't appear on the rows, as you can see in the picture. The system doesn't update the views when they are inside a ForEach loop. I used notifications to force the update but it is not a good solution because this also happens locally, not just with CloudKit. I found a way to fix it by applying the id() modifier to ForEach. It forces the system to update the content of the ForEach every time a new value is available.
That shouldn't be necessary. SwiftData was designed to automatically save the context. Unfortunately, they changed something and now we have to do it manually. Maybe when they release the final version of iOS 18 this is fixed.
Hi. Thanks. I can't show you the image here, but If I go to Settings > General > Software Update it says "iOS 18.0, iOS is up to date". I drag the screen down, but it never updates to 18.1. Both devices show the same screen, although of course on iPad says "iPadOS 18.0, iPadOS is up to date". That's why I posted this message. It is really weird that it stop updating as soon as the Beta 1 of 18.1 became available. My guess is that it is because of Apple Intelligence, but I don't know.
Thanks! Actually, manually updating the container view's id() is the best solution for my case, the other options make the view extremely more complex than it should be. I will have to check the SwiftData issues later because they all appeared with Xcode 16 and some may be fixed later.
Thanks. I had this problem today and your old post was helpful.
Hi, thanks for your time. I asked you because someone already posted about this issue a few days ago but nobody answered (link below). It looks like it is not possible to perform a case-insensitive search with the Predicate macro, which kind of invalidates SwiftData for professional use (unless I'm missing something)
Hi, thanks, but unfortunately I tried that before and get the error "Fatal error: Couldn't find \Book.title.localizedLowercase on Book" (title is a String property in the Book class)
var predicate = #Predicate {
Thanks for the suggestions. Very useful. One question: do you know if it is possible to perform a case-insensitive search with the Predicate macro? I tried using lowercased() but it is not allowed.
Oh, wow. That's a weird workaround. Thanks.
Thanks. This worked for me.
It's been two days for me LOL. I tried everything until I found this. Unfortunately, they still didn't fix it in Beta 3.
This website has all the links. I'm downloading Beta 5 right now https://xcodereleases.com/
Hi, Rincewind. Quick question. How do you change the Navigation Bar's tint color? The classes UINavigationBarAppearance, UIBarAppearance, and UIBarButtonItemAppearance do not include any tintColor property. The only way I found is with the tintColor property of the UINavigationBar, but this is a Legacy property and we are supposed to use appearances objects. For instance, how do you change the color of the image for the Back button? Thanks!
Thanks! I found the solution after posting the message, but instead of a key path I was using the data type directly, as in AttributeScopes.UIKitAttributes.self. This is a better implementation.