




Getting an NSURLConnection error only in TestFlight
I'm getting NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1022 error after cleaning the project and building it for the first time, and also when uploaded to the TestFlight. In NSAppTransportSecurity properties NSAllowsArbitraryLoads is set to true. I also tried adding exceptional domains, but none fixes the issue. Also, it is weird that everything works fine after running the app for the second time from XCode after cleaning the project. What can be the reason for this issue?
Jun ’21
Using Stripe instead of IAP
I'm developing an online marketplace where users can sell digital items (e.g. videos) to other users and earn money. The users can request to cash-out their earnings. If I use a third party payment processing platform like Stripe to handle item purchase and payouts (since cash payout cannot be done via Apple API), is this a violation of Apple IAP guidelines?
Jan ’21
Should in-app purchase restore be implemented when it is not useful for auto-renewable subscriptions?
I'm implementing an app that let users subscribe for extra storage to upload content. This is a monthly subscription and it is implemented as an auto-renewable subscription. An in-app purchase receipt will be used only once to confirm the purchase is successful and to get details like expiry date. Then the database is updated continuously with server-to-server notifications. However the app got rejected since Restore is not implemented. I simply added a restore button along with its functionality. But I don't know what to do when the restore is successful. For the scenario in this app how does transaction restoring can be useful?
Nov ’20
Not receiving expiration_date, expiration_date_ms, and expiration_date_pst in receipt validation response
I'm accessing the receipt after a successful in-app subscription (by checking SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased state). After I verified this receipt, in the receipt verification response "expirationdate", "expirationdatems", and "expirationdatepst" are are missing under "receipt". Why is that? (As a workaround I tried to get the last object of latestreceipt_info and refer its expiration date. But this data is referring to the last subscription before the current one. So I cannot find the required expiration date there.) How can I resolve this and retrieve expiration date of the subscription purchased just now?
Nov ’20
In-app subscription does not come to SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing state
While doing an in-app auto renewable subscription, and when observing its status, the status directly goes into SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased state without going into SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing state. So that no dialog window is prompted to the user. This does not happen all the time. After refreshing everything (Signing out and sign in again from sandbox account, rebuilding the app, etc) subscriptions work as expected. But after sometime above behaviour happens again. What caused this issue? Also, when this happens, the receipt does not indicate anything about the subscription I tried to do last. It has the details of last subscription and indicates that it is expired.
Nov ’20
How to correctly send an in-app subscription receipt via Http Request?
I want to send the receipt got from AppStore after an in-app subscription to the server in order to verify it (because Apple recommends verifying from server rather than the app). The receipt has symbols like, "+", "/", and "=". Since I could not send with those symbols I changed them, e.g. replacing + with "%2B" and so on. But even after that I can get only a part of the receipt in my server. Sending it as a serialized Json also did not help. (I need to send more data along with the receipt to the server, so that I cannot pass the receipt without converting into NSString) How can I resolve this issue?
Nov ’20