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We recently added rich push notifications to our app, which worked well on iOS 13. Our notifications have two attachments, the thumbnail and the image you see upon long pressing the notification. To facilitate this, we add these like so:          var hasMainImage = false         //The order of elements in the attachments array matters!         if let validImage = mainImage, let fileURL = self.saveImageAttachment(image: validImage, forIdentifier: "attachment.png"),           let mainAttachment = try? UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: "attachment",                                     url: fileURL,                                     options: [UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailHiddenKey : true])         {           hasMainImage = true           bestAttemptContent.attachments.append(mainAttachment)         }                   if hasMainImage == true, let validImage = thumbnailImage, let fileURL = self.saveImageAttachment(image: validImage, forIdentifier: "thumbnail.png"),           let thumbnailAttachment = try? UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: "thumbnail",                                       url: fileURL,                                       options: [UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailHiddenKey : false])         {           bestAttemptContent.attachments.append(thumbnailAttachment)         }                   contentHandler(bestAttemptContent) After iOS 14, however, we are no longer able to see the image for long pressing the notification (aka main image). We can compare side by side with an iOS 13 device so we assume that the images are downloading properly. I didn't see anything for push notifications or notification service extensions get called out in the iOS 14 release notes.
by khangvt.
Last updated
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Reposting this because I'm still looking for answers and I didn't see any helpful responses for a month or so We recently added rich push notifications to our app, which worked well on iOS 13. Our notifications have two attachments, the thumbnail and the image you see upon long pressing the notification. To facilitate this, we add these like so: 				 var hasMainImage = false 				//The order of elements in the attachments array matters! 				if let validImage = mainImage, let fileURL = self.saveImageAttachment(image: validImage, forIdentifier: "attachment.png"), 					let mainAttachment = try? UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: "attachment", 																		url: fileURL, 																		options: [UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailHiddenKey : true]) 				{ 					hasMainImage = true 					bestAttemptContent.attachments.append(mainAttachment) 				} 				 				if hasMainImage == true, let validImage = thumbnailImage, let fileURL = self.saveImageAttachment(image: validImage, forIdentifier: "thumbnail.png"), 					let thumbnailAttachment = try? UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: "thumbnail", 																			url: fileURL, 																			options: [UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailHiddenKey : false]) 				{ 					bestAttemptContent.attachments.append(thumbnailAttachment) 				} 				 				contentHandler(bestAttemptContent) After iOS 14, however, we are no longer able to see the image for long pressing the notification (aka main image). We can compare side by side with an iOS 13 device so we assume that the images are downloading properly. I didn't see anything for push notifications or notification service extensions get called out in the iOS 14 release notes.
by khangvt.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
I am getting this error when I try to do automatic signing. None of my other team members have this problem. I have tried unchecking/rechecking automatic signing, downloading profile manually, and restarting XCode.Since I cannot see my image, it says "Communication with Apple failed", "Your account does not have sufficient permissions to modify containers", and beneath that "No profiles for _____ were found. Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching _______"
by khangvt.
Last updated