Me too! FB15107497
It's hard to specify requirements when there is no more information available. I current use Protobufs, but if Apple has a built in implementation of FlatBuffers that is available it makes more sense to use it unless there is something lacking in the implementation.
I will file an enhancement request with what little information I have. (FB14055509)
btw, why make such a big deal about FlatBuffers in the session video if its strictly an internal implementation detail? If there was no intent to make it available to others it seems an irrelevant to the primary content of the session video.
I am trying to use the following in a widget of mine that sometimes needs to show seconds counting down.
Text(.now, format:.timer(countingDownIn:<, showsHours: false, maxFieldCount: 1))
If I sent maxFieldCount to 2 I see minutes and seconds ("55:03") but if I set it to 1 I see "55 seconds" instead. I expected to see something like "03"
Oh, I also see the it's not counting down as previously mentioned.
I was trying to use this instead, but cannot get rid of the minutes so I see values like "00:55"
Text(timerInterval: 120, since: .now), countsDown: true, showsHours: false)
I am trying these since my original widget code was using a timeline that would cause an update every second (if seconds needed to be displayed) but that caused flashing especially if the contrast between background and foreground colors is high.
I've checked all 3rd parties dependencies and none of them have changed. I am wondering if its related to us recently bumping up the minimum iOS version from 15 to 16.4, like as if maybe it implicitly bumped the version of Catalyst?
We've starting get this warning all of a sudden a couple of weeks ago as well. It says we start 13.0, but it claims it really requires 13.3 -- have not been able to determine what changed on our end to prompt such a new warning.
I heard nothing from Apple yet - luckily I was able to talk the right person to make me and admin which gets everything.
Along the same lines, is there a correct location in a Swift Package where the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy should go so that it can be read correctly Apple? I am seeing it in a few different locations after a Quick Look at some packages.
That is certainly what most people will do.
So sad... Kind of defeats the purpose.
Thanks for the link to your handy-dandy tool
Thanks. I can't remember the details but I did eventually figure it out. My original post is 3 years old and I have not figured out how to delete/close a post.
Sorry for the lack of additional details, but boss says I can't post any IP :(
I hear what you are saying regarding what could happen in your Widgets example. We should not be in that situation, but I will triple check with our data folks to make sure the id we are using is not changing. However, if you look at the following snippet you can see that I check to make sure the itemIdentifiers array contains the item immediately before calling reconfigureItems() method. I did verify that we only operate on the items when on the main queue so there should be no threading issues. I also see the same rare crash when I was using the reloadItems() method.
I will continue to scratch my head to see what is going on, but it sounds like you are saying there probably is not a problem with reconfigureItems(). Would that be accurate?
var snapshot = dataSource.snapshot()
if snapshot.itemIdentifiers.contains(leadModel) {
dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: true)
Can someone from Apple say whether or not SwiftData will support private, public, and shared databases when it goes live with iOS 17? Or any information regarding when it will have support in the future?
I don't see the value in migrating "some" of my CoreData code to SwiftData as it just means I have two different APIs to worry about, and others on my team will have to learn both in order to support persistence.
Update: Just grabbed Xcode 15 beta 5 and it does kind of work. I can at least get the asset symbols generated for the package, so UIColor(resource: .myblue) now works inside the package. I still cannot use UIColor.myblue from inside the package. Progress!
I had a thought that maybe the new Settings such as ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GENERATE are not being inherited correctly from the project being built. So I then thought that I can add them manually to the Package.swift, but there does not appear to be "Asset Catalog Compiler" support - I do see C, CXX, Swift, and Linker support.
I noticed that if I attempt to do the same in a framework created via a Cocoapod it does work, at least inside that framework.
The bigger question I have is whether or not its possible to access the colors/images using the new syntax from a main project if the asset catalog exists in a framework / swift package?
I am seeing the same problem as well. I tried calling applySnapshotUsingReloadData() and apply(_,animatingDifferences: false).
This causes me grief since we use the willDisplay as a trigger to fetch more data from our servers.
This worked fine using traditional DataSource delegate for year.