




Progress Calendar in SwiftUI
I'm building a progress calendar feature in my app. There is a progress bar in my app, if the user reaches 100% at the current day, I want to show them a checkmark in the calendar so they can see in which days they completed their goal. What would be the way to build it? I guess I can have a variable for each day of the month and make it true if the user reaches 100% for that day, but that seems like a really bad solution. Here is my calendar usage. CalendarView(interval: year) { date in 																if calendar.component(.day, from: date) == calendarCurrent.component(.day, from: currentDate) { 																		ZStack { 																				Text("30") 																						.hidden() 																						.padding(8) 																						.overlay( 																								RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10, 																																 style: .continuous) 																										.stroke(Color(red: 50/255, green: 104/255, blue: 144/255), style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 2))) 																						 																						.padding(.vertical, 4) 																						.overlay( 																								Text(String(self.calendar.component(.day, from: date))).bold()) 																						.foregroundColor(.white) 																				 																				 																		} 																} else { 																		ZStack { 																				Text("30") 																						.hidden() 																						.padding(8) 																						.background(Color(red: 50/255, green: 104/255, blue: 144/255)) 																						.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)) 																						.padding(.vertical, 4) 																						.overlay( 																								Text(String(self.calendar.component(.day, from: date))).bold()) 																						.foregroundColor(.white) 																		} 																} 														}
Jan ’21
Works with Apple Health badge
Hey, just a quick question. I integrated HealthKit in my app and I want show the Apple Health badge on my App Store page to promote HealthKit feature.  Apple Guideline for HealthKit - Apple provide developers different badges to download and use, but the problem is I can't find or download the "Works with Apple Health badge". I guess it should be available to download from here Works with Apple Health - but the page doesn't seem to work for the last couple of days. Tried with different browsers, different Macs and PCs but the page won't work. I'm from EU might that has something to do with it? I should publish my update today but I can't get the images I need. Should I contact Apple about it or what's recommended to do in this situation?
Dec ’20