iPad Pro for programming

it's rumored that Xcode is coming to iPadOS, maybe announcement in WWDC?
If so, could an iPad Pro completely replace a Mac? The iPad Pro performance would be more than enough for Xcode so could be the iPad become the go-to platform for programming?
Maybe more IDEs for iPadOS in the future?


You can already program on iPad Pro

Swift Playgrounds - https://apps.apple.com/app/id908519492 - build apps and games
LibTerm - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/libterm/id1380911705 - UNIX terminal emulator
iSH - https://testflight.apple.com/join/97i7KM8O - Alpine Linux Emulator

I think the iPad Pro has the processor chops, but I'm struggling to see a business model/scenario where a Mac isn't required to create/finalize/publish to the App Store. Seems like that would take a big bite out of demand for MacBook Pros?

Perhaps an enhanced Playgrounds app or separate Xcode light app for iPad? - that has many more (but not all) of the Xcode capabilities than current playgrounds app? And works seamless with full Xcode MBP?