




iOS 15 beta install question
Hi! I’ve been trying to install the iOS 15 beta configuration profile on both my iPhone 12 Pro Max and my iPad (using the respective profiles) and when I try to download it on either device, I get a pop up asking me what I want to open the file with instead of actually downloading it to my phone. Have installed betas on previous devices before and this is the first time I’ve come across this. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Aug ’21
Music app on my iPad not working as intended
Hi! I have a 4th gen iPad Air with 17.1 beta 1 version loaded on it. When trying to edit a playlist, every time I remove a song, it always goes back to the top of my playlist, causing me to have to scroll back down. But that’s not the only problem; once I do get back to where I was in my list, and before I can do anything else it will just go back to the top of my list without me doing anything! it doesn’t happen every time but enough times to make it hard for me to continue what I’m trying to do. I have closed the app several times, and even restarted my iPad a few times but still the issues persist! Help? 😅
Oct ’23
Photos Issue with 18.1 beta
Hi, so I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max, and I updated to the beta 18.1. Ever since, whenever I go to add pictures to any albums, I get an error that pop up saying "Unable to load items" and to try again. Everything else about the app seems to work fine. Again, I did not have this issue before i updated to the latest beta update. Is there a way to remove the beta and go back to whichever the latest live version is? I do not have any back ups from before I installed the beta (unless they are in the cloud somewhere...)