




Preferences on Simulator crash when accessing iCloud settings
As per the title, as soon as I try to open iCloud settings on the Simulator, a black screen appears and the Preferences app crashes (and a crash report shows up shortly thereafter). This is an issue in all of Xcode 17.0.0, XCode 17.0.1 and the Xcode 17.1 beta. I've tried all the simulator models from the SE to the 15. I think this may be something to do with the following two pop-ups that keep showing up on the Simulator but don't actually do anything when tapped: one says to accept new iCloud T&Cs. When I tap on it, nothing happens (and I can't find new T&Cs to accept in the web browser); and one that prompts me to re-enter the Apple ID password. When I input the password and confirm, nothing happens. This is causing major issues for testing a couple of my apps because Simulator sometimes radomly thinks that the user isn't signed into iCloud when they, in fact, are. For example, I've been getting the following error from GameKit: 'The requested operation could not be completed because you are not signed in to iCloud..' (the same function that throws the error does confim that the user is signed in just before throwing). I'd be very grateful for any thoughts. Been stuck on this for well over a week now...I've found various threads about the wider Preferences app crashing (and this being fixed in the latest beta) but nothing on the specific issue I'm having.
Oct ’23
Indexing making XCode unusable
As per the title, whether I'm using the actual version from the App Store or the beta, Xcode is practically unusable on my 2017 MBP. Indexing starts randomly at least once a week and none of the solutions posted online work for me. This is often accompanied by multiple swift-frontend processes showing in Activity Monitor at 90% CPU usage. I always try all the standard solutions from SO and here (e.g. clearing out derived data, deleting the .xcodeproj file, etc. and various permutations of those) and have reinstalled XCode on multiple occasions. Still, there's no solution that works - I just tend to leave my laptop for a day, sometimes more to do its thing and then it magically resolves eventually. That amount of wait time is beyond unreasonable and is sadly making me re-consider whether Mac and iOS dev is really worth investing my time into. Has anyone been in a similar position and managed to find a solution? I'm really at my wits' end so would appreciate any new insights.
Sep ’22
Error when registering for Apple Developer Program
Long story short, I've been trying to register for the Apple Developer Program for a few days with no luck. I keep getting a "We're unable to process your request message", with the following network response: {"responseId":"ed009d41-2d2c-4212-98cf-e44fe0f882d8", "resultCode":202018, "resultString":"Your request could not be processed", "userString":"Your request could not be processed", "creationTimestamp":"2022-03-05T19:01:01Z", "userLocale":"en_US", "requestUrl":"", "httpCode":406} I have looked through various threads on this, e.g. here but none of the suggested solutions help. To make things more interesting, Apple also insists that I'm trying to register as a company even though I'm an individual (I always get redirected to when I go to I am at my wits end - I've tried using a different AppleID, updating personal details and payment methods, using different browsers, different devices, and using the Developer app (the developer app tells me that my apple ID can't be used to enrol via the app). I can see that the "userLocale" in the http response is wrong; I'm UK-based but my AppleID reflects this so I don't know what else I can do about this. The Apple team hasn't been helpful so far and say that there is nothing wrong with my account. Does this effectively mean that I've wasted 3 months of my life building an app that I can't now publish?
Mar ’22
Problems joining the Apple Developer Programme
I'm trying to enrol in the paid developer programme to get an app into TestFlight but the Apple website isn't letting me. My steps (I am signed in with Apple ID with 2FA switched on throughout all this): Go to here:, and click the blue 'Join' button in the top right. Then I get thrown here: I scroll to the bottom and again click on 'Start your enrolment' Then I get thrown into this contact form screen and there's no way to progress further with the enrolment: This screen seems to think that I'm having issues accessing my account, but I'm not - as I say above, I'm logged in the whole time! I've also tried another way which is to go to my free developer account and then into the 'Welcome' screen, and then click on the link shown in the pic below. But this just takes me back to the page that I've linked in point #1 above and off we go in another circle. Can someone please advise on how to actually sign up for the programme? I really hope that I've just been doing something wrong the whole time. Thanks!
Mar ’22
Using CreateML in Playgrounds
I need to build a model to add to my app and tried following the Apple docs here. No luck because I get an error that is discussed on this thread on the forum. I'm still not clear on why the error is occurring and can't resolve it. I wonder if CreateML inside Playgrounds is still supported at all? I tried using the CreateML app that you can access through developer tools but it just crashes my Mac (2017 MBP - is it just too much of a brick to use for ML at this point? I should think not because I've recently built and trained relatively simple models using Tensorflow. + Python on this machine, and the classifier I'm trying to make now is really simple and doesn't have a huge dataset).
Feb ’22