How do I create a Spotlight Importer (MDImporter) target for mac OS in Xcode?There appears to be no such target template available in xcode 9 to 11 (older versions don't run on my machine).
What would be the suggested way to implement NSPasteboardReading in Swift, when one is also using Swift decoding?
A pasteboard readable object is instantiated with
convenience init ?(pasteboardPropertyList propertyList: Any , ofType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType)
The property list contains the encoded object data. I can create a PropertyListDecoder for this data, but I cannot delegate initialisation to
required init (from decoder: Decoder) throws
because PropertyListDecoder is not of type Decoder.
I can decode another object using the PropertyListDecoder, but then I cannot reassign this object to self in Swift.
So I am kind of stuck here.
My macOS application exits with code 173 when the Mac AppStore receipt validation fails. This used to trigger a system dialog that allowed me to enter test user credentials which then created an AppStore receipt. Now this behaviour changed to just showing a dialog stating that the application is damaged and needs to be redownloaded from the AppStore. This makes it impossible for me to test receipt validation for my app.
What might have caused this change in system behaviour? I'm even getting this "damaged application" dialog when I delete the "_MASReceipt" folder from third party applications when I'm pretty sure that before it also showed this dialog that allows to enter AppStore credentials and recreate a valid receipt.
Does anybody know:
How do I see in Xcode which string catalogs have issues?
How do I filter to strings with issues or jump to a string with issues when viewing a string catalog in Xcode?
I don't get "Product Page Optimization" in the Features section of App Store Connect. In fact the only two options under "Features" are "In-App Purchases" and "Subscriptions".
What could be the reason for that?