




When is Edited Info is Available to User?
Hi there, I had a version Ready For Sale, but realized I needed to re-edit some App Information, that was locked while in this state. By clicking New Version, initializing this process, unlocked the field (Privacy Policy), that I needed to update. And so I did. What I am wondering is, do I need to actually complete the upload of the new version for the user to be able to see the updated information?
Oct ’20
Xcode wants AppID that is not on Profile
Hi there, I know this is generally a common issue, but I can not seem to solve this time. For some reason, my Certificate and Profile call App ID X1, but Xcode thinks it should call App ID X2. Any help is greatly appreciated. Steps: 1) I built the App to XCode, and it ran on the device fine.  2) @upload Archive to Store, I am told there is an issue with the Signing Certificate and Provisioning Profile. For some reason, the Profile is calling the incorrect certificate.  3) I have opened KeyChain, deleted the incorrect Certificate. I have recreated the Identider and Profile, insuring they call my Team ID. But for some reason, XCode, insists on calling the incorrect certificate. 
Sep ’20