




NYTimes News App doesn’t run
I know this isn’t the place to report this, but I’m in a Catch 22 situation. You meed to access the app to send a bug report to developers, but I can’t load the app on IOS 18, so I’m reporting it here. The NY Times News App does not open under IOS 18 or iPadOS 18. The subsidiary apps, Games, Cooking, and Audio do.
Jun ’24
macOS 14.2b2 and b3 kill Photoshop 24.x and 25.x
Something significant changed between MacOS 14.2b1 and the subsequent betas of 14.2. Photoshop, which has been running fine up to the first beta, suddenly refuses to run. The splash screen shows and then the application dies. I've been in communication with Adobe about this, and from the logs they can see that the problem is with MacOS. While this is not a crisis for me since I have three other machines running either 14.2b1, 14.1.1 and 14.1.1, I can complete my tasks, but this is an annoying problem. Attached is a log from beta 3 just to illustrate the problem. ACPL__2023-11-09_22-40-47.131385Z_00.log Just for the record, what is the most efficient way to roll back to the current released version of Sonoma. I've got multiple system backups, so restoration isn't an issue. Just looking for an approach that doesn't require half a day if possible.
Nov ’23
Practical folder sizes in Ventura
I'm bumping up against a problem in Ventura that I've not experienced in previous versions of macOS. I've got RAID arrays that may have 300K to 400K files on them, organized in folders by Year, and then by Date within Year. These are raw images from many different cameras. My primary RAID array (formatted at RAID 5 with 4 large drives) has about 4 TB worth of files on it. My secondary RAID has 4 medium sized drives with a backup of the primary RAID, also with roughly 4 TB worth of files. The individual files may total between 300,000 and 400,000 files (I haven't actually counted). I'm seeing a number of programs, including the Ventura (beta 11) Finder choke while trying to load and simply stall out. I see this happening on a Mac Studio Ultra, but not on an Intel i9 iMac. They are both running identical software, but the Intel machine has fewer files on the RAID arrays (perhaps 100,000 files arrayed over approximately the same number of folders organized the same way). As far as I can tell, the programs that have problems with this seem to use Finder or the Xcode API calls for the Finder to access the files, while programs that don't have problems don't seem to use the API to make their calls on the Folder architecture. This makes a huge difference on the Mac Silicon machines, but doesn't seem to have an effect on machines with the Intel architecture. Is this an issue with the number of files, the number of folders, the. machine architecture, or the operating system combined with the system architecture. I can take a very small subset of the files and load them on a RAID array formatted identically (RAID 4 or RAID 5) and not run into difficulty, but the full meal seems to cause Finder serious indigestion. What, if anything, is going on here?
Oct ’22
What does "rejected by signature hysteresis" mean in an Apple log?
I've got a bunch of programs that are not responding normally when traversing a folder tree inside an array formatted as RAID1, RAID4, and RAID5. There are no error messages, but each time one of these programs fails to connect with the folder and its subfolders and exits normally, the diagnostic log shows the same error "rejected by signature hysteresis". "rejected". Error 312. Since this only occurs with some programs accessing the same drives, I'm being driven batty trying to figure out what the problem is. Does anyone have an explanation so I can continue to search for a way to workaround this issue. This is occurring in Ventura, Beta 11 (it may have begun in Beta 10, but I'm not 100% certain). There are at least 8 relatively common programs from different vendors involved. I'm running a Mac Studio Ultra - 20, 48, 32 with 64K RAM
Oct ’22
Where is the 11.5.2 patch file?
I have multiple machines running 11.5.1 (Big Sur) enrolled in the Developer Program, as well as two running 12 under Monterey in the Developer Program. Not one of the machines running 11.5.1 has shown the update to 11.5.2 anywhere in the past 7 or 8 days since 11.5.2 was released. Is it possible that the 11.5.1 (from the developer site) is really a slip-streamed 11.5.2 without the version number. Digging into the system information, my 11.5.1 shows as version 20G80. The 11.5.2 full installer is available on the App Store, but I really don't want the downtime of installing a full version if unnecessary.
Aug ’21
No Full Screen in FaceTime for Monterey
Just installed Monterey beta 3 on my 2019 MBP 16”. I’ve been using FaceTime 3x per week for 15 months now and fully understand how it works. Upon receiving the first FT call following install of Monterey beta 3, my MBP no longer allows me to go into full screen mode. I can enlarge the screen but only to about 90% of full screen size, with borders on all four sides, corresponding to the upper task bar, bottom app bar, and sides approximately the same size. The menu for Full Screen mode is there, but it does nothing. Is this a bug, or a new feature?
Jul ’21
App Icons in iPadOS 15 limits
Have an iPad Pro M1 11”. Just installed Beta 1 of ipad OS 15 over the 14.7 beta. My app icons were neatly arranged in rows of 5 icons across. The ipad 15 beta reduces this to 4 across and leaves me with many pages having an odd one or two icons. Is this a restriction of the beta? I can’t figure out how or where to change it.
Jun ’21
Bluetooth Still inconsistent in 14.5
Less a question and more an observation. Since updating to IOS 14.x and iPadOS 14.x, I find that Bluetooth connections present a significant challenge. I have an iPad Air (3rd Gen), and an iPhone 12. I also have two pair of Airpods (2nd Generation), and two vehicles that support bluetooth (and one of those CarPlay). Not a day goes by that I don’t have difficulty connecting one or the other pair of Airpods to the phone, or the iPad, or the phone to one of the two cars. In each case, I have to turn Bluetooth off on the phone or iPad, and then back on for it to find the device to which it should pair. In the cars, my only recourse is to reboot the phone. The only common thread I can figure is IOS and iPadOS 14 since none of these problems occurred in v13 of either. I’ve watched and read the release notes for each iteration and beta of v14 and it seems that a consistent theme is resolution of Bluetooth problems. Can anyone explain what has changed in v14 that is causing these persistent Bluetooth issues that I’m having and that continue to be addressed in each release and beta of v14?
Feb ’21
Change in exercise algorithm?
I Have used all four versions of the watch and have great familiarity with the exercise features. During the past 8 months I have used the exercise rings daily for an identical walk with my dog. The 8 month daily walks have produced remarkably consistent data. The walk is slightly under 3 miles (+/- 0.1 mi), consumes approximately 300 calories at my size (+/- 8 calories), and rates as 37+/- 2 exercise minutes. This is important because I installed Watch OS 6 and IOS 13 yesterday. I checked everything after the install and made certain my settings were unchanged. Today, I took the same walk. Distance 2.95 miles, Calories 303, Exercise time - 26 minutes. Thus my query. What has changed in the exercise time calculation that results in a 33% reduction in a time consistently recorded for 8 solid months? Anyone else notice this anomaly?
Jun ’19