




Context menus, alerts, popovers and tips do not respect preferred color scheme
It seems like some UI elements just don't use the preferred color scheme of their parent element: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Button("Hold Me") { } .contextMenu(ContextMenu(menuItems: { Button("I should be dark") { } })) } .padding() .preferredColorScheme(.dark) } } If you set the device appearance to dark, then the context menu shows the correct color scheme. Setting .preferredColorScheme(.dark) to Button directly doesn't help. Aside from context menus, this applies to all sorts of elements: popovers, alerts, tips, ... Is there a workaround for this? Apple folks: FB13391355
Nov ’23
Is StoreKit.Transaction.currentEntitlements down at the moment?
Calling StoreKit.Transaction.currentEntitlements today just doesn't return. It just sits there. for await result in StoreKit.Transaction.currentEntitlements { switch result { case .verified(let transaction): currentTransaction = transaction case .unverified(let transaction, let error): currentTransaction = transaction } } The for loop never starts. This is using a Sandboxed user that made a renewal subscription purchase. Everything was working fine yesterday. Nothing on my end has changed since then. Is something wrong with StoreKit?
Nov ’23
manageSubscriptionsSheet not showing
Trying to debug StoreKit on device using a sandboxed user. When I want to show manageSubscriptionsSheet, the screen flashes but nothing shows. This is visible in the console: SKEngagementRemoteViewTask: Presenting system engagement request. Request: {length = 5347, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050607 ... 00000000 000012d7 } Present engagement request: {length = 5347, bytes = 0x62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050607 ... 00000000 000012d7 }, clientBundleID: com.acme.myapp Finished presenting engagement request with view service There isn't much information in the documentation so I'm not sure if it's me not doing things correctly or a bug in iOS 17.2?
Nov ’23
Unable to export Strings Catalog
I've spent 3 days moving localization from my older project to my new project and converted to Strings Catalog. When I tried to export, I got the Unable to build project for localization string extraction error. Read about that and the workaround seems to be to set Localisation Export Supported to NO, which I did. I worked once and now it refuses to export and complains about missing targets, which I had to remove from the export process as recommended. WTH? Or, at some point it complained about a missing Swift Package. wwdc2023-10155
Oct ’23
iOS 17b6: Simultaneous accesses to ..., but modification requires exclusive access crash using Observation and SwiftUI
Since iOS/iPadOS beta 6, I get a crash just by simply selecting an item in the sidebar of a navigation view. The selected item is part of an app mode, with conforms to the Observation protocol: import SwiftUI import Observation @main struct MREAApp: App { @State private var appModel = AppModel.shared var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environment(appModel) } } } @Observable class AppModel { static var shared = AppModel() var selectedFolder: Folder? = nil } struct Folder: Hashable, Identifiable { let id = UUID() let name: String } struct ContentView: View { @Environment(AppModel.self) private var appModel var folders = [Folder(name: "Recents"), Folder(name: "Deleted"), Folder(name: "Custom")] var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { SidebarView(appModel: appModel, folders: folders) } detail: { if let folder = appModel.selectedFolder { Text( } else { Text("No selection") } } } } struct SidebarView: View { @Bindable var appModel: AppModel var folders: [Folder] var body: some View { List(selection: $appModel.selectedFolder) { ForEach(folders, id: \.self) { folder in NavigationLink(value: folder) { Text( } } } } } To reproduce the bug, just tap on one of the item. Oddly enough, this works fine in the Simulator. macOS 14 beta 5 is not affected either. Apple folks: FB12981860
Aug ’23
SwiftUI toolbar item keyboard shortcut not showing when holding command key on iPad?
How come keyboard shortcuts associated to toolbar items do not show up when you hold down the command key? import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundStyle(.tint) Text("Hello, world!") Button { } label: { Text("Tap Me!") } .keyboardShortcut("o", modifiers: .command) } .padding() .toolbar { ToolbarItem { Button { } label: { Image(systemName: "bolt") } .keyboardShortcut("k", modifiers: .command) } } } } } See screenshot. The shortcut for "Tap Me!" is being shown but not the one for the toolbar item. Am I doing something wrong or this is just not supported yet in SwiftUI? If that's the case, that seems to be a significant omission.
Jul ’23
Swift compiler crash in Xcode 15 beta 3 (15A5195k)
Somehow the Swift compiler is unable to this code: @Observable class ServiceBrowser: NSObject { typealias ResolveServiceCompletionBlock = (Bool, Error?) -> Void fileprivate var resolveServiceCompletionHandler: ResolveServiceCompletionBlock? = nil } Here's the crash: 4 . While evaluating request ASTLoweringRequest(Lowering AST to SIL for file "/Users/luc/Work/Repositories/app-shared/App/Shared/Connectivity/ServiceBrowser.swift") 5 . While silgen init accessor SIL function "@$s7App14ServiceBrowserC07resolveB17CompletionHandler33_5B15C352D9CC926D1F8A0ECAC5970199LLySb_s5Error_pSgtcSgvi". for init for resolveServiceCompletionHandler (at /Users/luc/Work/Repositories/ap-shared/App/Shared/Connectivity/ServiceBrowser.swift:86:21) 6 . While emitting reabstraction thunk in SIL function "@$sSbs5Error_pSgIegyg_ytIegd_TR".
Jul ’23
Symbol not found when running iPad app in Vision Pro Simulator
When I try to run my iPad app in the simulator, I get this error: dyld[25133]: Symbol not found: _$s21DeveloperToolsSupport15PreviewRegistryPAAE04makeD0AA0D0VyKFZ Referenced from: <40E6A0C8-6B05-3C87-8F68-D333EF2586EA> /Users/me/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/DAE1996F-4A59-49CA-B55D-FE2AF0E6461F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B49E91FE-89D5-4496-831D-31B87A6F1170/ Expected in: <31FB64EE-D651-3287-9607-1ED38855E80F> /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/xrOS_21N5165g/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/xrOS 1.0.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/DeveloperToolsSupport.framework/DeveloperToolsSupport Message from debugger: killed Is this a bug, my iPad app is not compatible or there's something I need to do?
Jun ’23
.refreshable on macOS?
Is .refreshable supposed to do anything on macOS? Works fine on iOS and iPadOS but it's not triggered on macOS. It's available since macOS 12 but the documentation doesn't mention anything about that.
Jun ’23
@Observable and didSet?
I'm in the process of migrating to the Observation framework but it seems like it is not compatible with didSet. I cannot find information about if this is just not supported or a new approach needs to be implemented? import Observation @Observable class MySettings { var windowSize: CGSize = .zero var isInFullscreen = false var scalingMode: ScalingMode = .scaled { didSet { ... } } ... } This code triggers this error: Instance member 'scalingMode' cannot be used on type 'MySettings'; did you mean to use a value of this type instead? Anyone knows what needs to be done? Thanks!
Jun ’23
TableColumn with text and image
I'm trying to display a Label in a TableColumn but the header is not rendered properly: Here's some code: struct Computer: Identifiable { let id: UUID let name: String init(_ name: String) { id = UUID() = name } } struct ContentView: View { private var computers = [Computer("iMac"), Computer("MacBook"), Computer("Mac mini")] @State private var selectedComputers = Set<Computer.ID>() @State private var sortOrder = [KeyPathComparator(\] var body: some View { Table(computers, selection: $selectedComputers, sortOrder: $sortOrder) { // Header rendered incorrectly TableColumn("Name", value: \.name) { computer in Label(, systemImage: "desktopcomputer") } // This works: // TableColumn("Name", value: \.name) } } } If I use a Text element instead (or not define any custom view for the TableColumn), the header is rendered properly: Am I doing it wrong or this is a bug?
Feb ’23