Unable to export Strings Catalog

I've spent 3 days moving localization from my older project to my new project and converted to Strings Catalog.

When I tried to export, I got the Unable to build project for localization string extraction error.

Read about that and the workaround seems to be to set Localisation Export Supported to NO, which I did.

I worked once and now it refuses to export and complains about missing targets, which I had to remove from the export process as recommended. WTH?

Or, at some point it complained about a missing Swift Package.


Hi, do you think you could submit a feedback through the Feedback Assistant (https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/) and share the bug number with us?

Hi, sorry for the late reply. Notifications were on for that thread but off in my profile for some reason. And for some odd reason, export/import is now working. I have no idea why or how.

The only thing I can think of is either the derived data was is an odd state (even if I cleared it several times) or it occurred because some languages were incomplete or perhaps there was an issue in one of the languages?

Now that all languages are complete (manually copied strings over), import and export now works. Odd.

I'll file a bug report if the issue occurs again.

Unable to export Strings Catalog