I have a SKSpriteNode with a GKAgent with behaviour of wandering. How to restrict the node from getting out of the edges of the screen or avoid a wall or something like that. Should I use GKRules or something? Can someone please help me in this.
I am trying to make a landscape game and trying to display the scene in full screen. However for some reason it is not covering up the whole screen.
I see 2 big black bars around the scene. My scene background color is different than the background color of the view.
(I am using UIKit)
My SKScene Dimensions: 1334x750
View Controller Presentation is set to Full Screen.
My app's Requires Full Screen Option is also checked.
The scaleMode is .aspectFill
I think this is happening since I have updated to iOS 14.
Please help me out...
Can anyone help me in displaying the SKCloudServiceSetupViewController in SwiftUI to ask the user to subscribe to Apple Music.
I want to know how can a solve an equation like 'x + 5 = 11' in swift. To give 'x = 6'. Can anyone help me out. Is is possible using NSExpression? Or should I use something else?
I am unable to create achievements as when I click on add Language to and English. The Pop-up is doesn't function properly. Is there any fix around this?
How to I receive and handle a GKInvite and create a GKMatch using that. I already have this code working:
let matchRequest = GKMatchRequest()
matchRequest.minPlayers = 2
matchRequest.maxPlayers = 2
matchRequest.defaultNumberOfPlayers = 2
guard let matchMakingVC = GKMatchmakerViewController(matchRequest: matchRequest) else { return
matchMakingVC.delegate = self
self.present(matchMakingVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
Also how do I continue if the match is ready to start and dismiss the GKMatchmakerViewController.
How do I authenticate the GKLocalPlayer in Game Center.
I want help in giving a refreshing policy that refreshes once a day.
I am trying to create a tabular classifier using core ml. I wanted to keep track of how the user play's the game (using spriteKit) and train my model accordingly. Can anyone help me out.