Assuming the device is compatible (not running a current beta), it should just be a matter of connecting it to your mac while Xcode is open, then responding to the dialog(s) ask if you want to use it.
When that process works, you can use the Xcode menu 'Devices and Simulators' to see your device/phone. If you can see it there but Xcode doesn't make it available to build to, check there that Xcode has allowed it.
If you're beyond that and still no joy, try restarting both your mac and the device.
With that X connected to your mac, do an 'About This Mac' from the Apple logo top left, then system report, then select USB/USB 3 bus and see if it lists an iPhone.
Finally, be sure you are using a quality cable that connects your X directly to a compatible USB port on your mac.
App Groups are usually necessary to share data between apps and extensions, with the big exception when the data is already stored external to the app -- as with iCloud. Keywords 'share' & 'stored', at least for me ;)
The orange dot means that an application on your phone is using the microphone. The microphone is being listened to and could be recorded. ...
When apps record the microphone when backgrounded, iOS shows a red pill indicator on the left-hand side of the notch.
In Settings, confirm your mac and that app are equally trusted.
As long as your original question is solved, you may want to file bugs relating to follow-on issues, being sure to add your report number(s) to your thread for ref., thanks and good luck.
A video that can be watched more than once is not a consumable.
The 12 GM release notes - seem to feel differently:
Core Data
When you create a multi-platform app project with Core Data, Xcode now correctly uses the name of the project for its data model. (67534882) (FB8483330)
Swift Packages
New Features
You can now declare conditions for a Swift package’s target dependencies, such as limiting the dependencies by platform. This gives you more flexibility to describe complex target dependencies that support multiple platforms.
New Features
Documents can now be opened in their own tab, making it easy to quickly switch between files while maintaining the rest of Xcode’s configuration. Option-click or double-click to open a document in a tab. The tab bar appears when you have more than one document open, or you choose View > Always Show Tab Bar. (7954451)
being block somewhere. I doubt it.
I'd suspect that image simply hasn't made it's way into cached elements from whatever server is involved. Be patient, keep checking, still no joy after a few days, use the contact us link below to ask support for help directly.
Good luck.
If you know some public announcement about that from Apple, can you please show the link? Not a recent announcement, found in my notes, I seem to recall it was originally stated back in 2017, and has since been removed from the main site as old news.
Apple used to have clear details in ASC Help, but as they always like to do, they elected to remov such worthwhile info, and now make devs scramble in the dark until they stumble onto a workable combination....or simply give up.
I think the info about being able to perhaps still 'use' older versions comes from the difference between what is allowed to be used to build, and what can only be used to upload - example is you can (maybe) build an app with Xcode 10, but it must be uploaded with 11.x
I assume that if something different were possible, the OP wouldn't be asking...instead, they've hit a wall, and came here for clarification.
As always when researching what runs on what, see the Xcode Wiki.
Always a concern, sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't - best way to avoid risk in this example is to not take it, of course, and to give the GM a pass, the release should be right behind it, then we have to wait, yet again, for the intern to sync the backend so it knows to accept it, making it seem less important to jump on the GM immediately, since we have to wait for that to take effect anyway...
Did I use enough commas? ;)
Please fix your payment form. Feel your pain, but sorry, this isn't the place to make that request.
Feel free to file a bug against the backend via the link below.
My advice is to be sure to only use Safari on macOS to access the backend in this example.
Good luck.
Apple does not provide a distribution method that fits your scheme.
To sell via the store, but not to the public, requires that the buyer be a business. This means that schools can't participate.
Did you test on a simulator that uses that screen size, such as the iPad 2? Barring testing on an actual device, that should give you a good idea of layout, etc.
Suggest you contact the authors of any 3rd party products directly, vs. expecting that support here. devForums is Apple IDE-centric.
Good luck.
App not working at all It that were true, users would be not be seeing info about a connection. Please try to be more specific.
Your post lacks sufficient information to try to get to the root cause. Talk about your app, what it does, try to share the exact error that users are seeing, what happened during your testing, which devices/OSs are involved etc. etc.
If your app requires an internet connection, location determination, etc. be sure to talk about your code that checks/requests/denies based on what the user can/wants to do.
a lot of users How many is 'alot'? - does that mean 6 out of just 10? 200 out of a 1000? A number/percentage would provide more information, thanks.
Good luck.