




Why does XCode11 (beta 4) show error opening any XIB with a UITextView?? "An Internal Error has occurred. Editing functionality may be limited"
Using XCode11 Beta 4 - my project has dozens of XIBs and a bunch of Storyboards. Every one of them which contains a UITextView shows this error when opened in Interface Builder (in XCode)."An Internal Error has occurred. Editing functionality may be limited"When this happens, XCode shows only outlines of each subview, no content is visible.XIBs which do not contain any UITextView objects are unaffected and work fine.XCode shows a "Report Bug" button when this happens, and clicking it takes me to the IB log file which contains this:================================= EXCEPTION: ================================= -[UITextView _firstBaselineOffsetFromTop] only valid when using auto layoutI removed the text view from 2 XIBs, as a test, and they started working immediately.Additionally, I created a test project in Xcode11 Beta4 and as soon as I added a UITextView to a XIB, the same error appeared. I thought the problem might be legacy XIBs created with older versions of XCode, but in fact it seems IB is broken when it comes to UITextView. Does anyone from Apple know if this is being addressed in the next beta, and WHEN that might be (yeah, I know, but I had to ask, it's my nature).Thanks.Below is more from the Log.txt file in the IB-agent-diagnostic folder:================================= ASSERTION: ================================= Failed to update scene 'i5M-Pr-FkT' with IBLayoutConstraint (x56), UIButton (x4), UILabel (x2), UIScrollView (x1), UITextField (x2), UITextView (x1), and UIView (x6). Exception name: NSInternalInconsistencyException Exception reason: -[UITextView _firstBaselineOffsetFromTop] only valid when using auto layout Exception backtrace: 0. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23af9c2e __exceptionPreprocess 1. libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff50131de0 objc_exception_throw 2. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23af99b8 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] 3. Foundation 0x00007fff255749ad -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] 4. UIKitCore 0x00007fff46fb8184 -[UITextView _firstBaselineOffsetFromTop] 5. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x0000000107960cee -[UIView(IBCocoaTouchToolIntegration) ibShadowedFirstBaselineOffsetFromTop] 6. Foundation 0x00007fff25599c05 _NSGetDoubleValueWithMethod 7. Foundation 0x00007fff2559d97f -[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForKey:] 8. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x0000000107979c3b -[IBUICachedGeometryRequest(IBCTTSupport) produceResultForRequest:simulatedMetricsContext:scaleFactor:tool:] 9. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010798b57b IBCTTRunProcessingRequestsPopulatingResults 10. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010798ba8e __IBCTTProduceResultForSceneUpdateRequest_block_invoke_2 11. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010799253d -[IBCTTUISimulatedMetricsContext applyStatusBarOverrideDuring:] 12. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x0000000107992479 -[IBCTTUISimulatedMetricsContext applyGlobalAndAdditionalSimulatedMetricsForTool:during:] 13. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010798b0c2 IBCTTProduceResultForSceneUpdateRequest 14. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010795b152 -[IBCocoaTouchTool updateScenesWithSceneUpdateRequests:] 15. IBFoundation 0x0000000107c2b687 __80-[IBMessageReceiveChannel deliverMessage:toTarget:withArguments:context:result:]_block_invoke 16. IBFoundation 0x0000000107c2b558 -[IBMessageReceiveChannel deliverMessage:toTarget:withArguments:context:result:] 17. IBFoundation 0x0000000107c2af51 __88-[IBMessageReceiveChannel runBlockingReceiveLoopNotifyingQueue:notifyingTarget:context:]_block_invoke 18. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff50f72845 _dispatch_client_callout 19. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff50f7f934 _dispatch_async_and_wait_invoke 20. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff50f72845 _dispatch_client_callout 21. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff50f7ed6e _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF 22. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23a5cbf9 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ 23. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23a57859 __CFRunLoopRun 24. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23a56c16 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 25. Foundation 0x00007fff255f5a73 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] 26. IBFoundation 0x0000000107be5a1d -[IBAbstractPlatformTool startServingReceiveChannel:] 27. IBFoundation 0x0000000107be5c75 -[IBAbstractPlatformTool startServingWriteDescriptor:readDescriptor:] 28. IBFoundation 0x0000000107be6af6 +[IBAbstractPlatformTool main] 29. IBAgent-iOS 0x000000010789d957 main 30. libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff50fb24ad start Exception info:{ } ================================= EXCEPTION: ================================= -[UITextView _firstBaselineOffsetFromTop] only valid when using auto layout ================================= EXCEPTION BACKTRACE: ================================= 0. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23af9c2e __exceptionPreprocess 1. libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff50131de0 objc_exception_throw 2. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23af99b8 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] 3. Foundation 0x00007fff255749ad -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] 4. UIKitCore 0x00007fff46fb8184 -[UITextView _firstBaselineOffsetFromTop] 5. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x0000000107960cee -[UIView(IBCocoaTouchToolIntegration) ibShadowedFirstBaselineOffsetFromTop] 6. Foundation 0x00007fff25599c05 _NSGetDoubleValueWithMethod 7. Foundation 0x00007fff2559d97f -[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForKey:] 8. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x0000000107979c3b -[IBUICachedGeometryRequest(IBCTTSupport) produceResultForRequest:simulatedMetricsContext:scaleFactor:tool:] 9. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010798b57b IBCTTRunProcessingRequestsPopulatingResults 10. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010798ba8e __IBCTTProduceResultForSceneUpdateRequest_block_invoke_2 11. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010799253d -[IBCTTUISimulatedMetricsContext applyStatusBarOverrideDuring:] 12. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x0000000107992479 -[IBCTTUISimulatedMetricsContext applyGlobalAndAdditionalSimulatedMetricsForTool:during:] 13. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010798b0c2 IBCTTProduceResultForSceneUpdateRequest 14. IBCocoaTouchToolFoundation 0x000000010795b152 -[IBCocoaTouchTool updateScenesWithSceneUpdateRequests:] 15. IBFoundation 0x0000000107c2b687 __80-[IBMessageReceiveChannel deliverMessage:toTarget:withArguments:context:result:]_block_invoke 16. IBFoundation 0x0000000107c2b558 -[IBMessageReceiveChannel deliverMessage:toTarget:withArguments:context:result:] 17. IBFoundation 0x0000000107c2af51 __88-[IBMessageReceiveChannel runBlockingReceiveLoopNotifyingQueue:notifyingTarget:context:]_block_invoke 18. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff50f72845 _dispatch_client_callout 19. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff50f7f934 _dispatch_async_and_wait_invoke 20. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff50f72845 _dispatch_client_callout 21. libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff50f7ed6e _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF 22. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23a5cbf9 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ 23. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23a57859 __CFRunLoopRun 24. CoreFoundation 0x00007fff23a56c16 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 25. Foundation 0x00007fff255f5a73 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] 26. IBFoundation 0x0000000107be5a1d -[IBAbstractPlatformTool startServingReceiveChannel:] 27. IBFoundation 0x0000000107be5c75 -[IBAbstractPlatformTool startServingWriteDescriptor:readDescriptor:] 28. IBFoundation 0x0000000107be6af6 +[IBAbstractPlatformTool main] 29. IBAgent-iOS 0x000000010789d957 main 30. libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff50fb24ad start
Jul ’19
What is user review ID and why cant we post reply to reviews?
Today someone on my team who has responsibility for posting replies to user reviews reports they can no longer do so. Instead, when attempting to post the reply, an error message appeared saying "You must enter a valid user review ID to respond to a review".I cannot find any documentation which revfers to a "user review ID" - there does not appear to be anything in APpStore Connect user editor where I could find such an ID.You can see a screenshot of the error message here: this some new featured of Connect? Where do I get a User Review ID for my team? Is this a bug in AppStore Connect?
Dec ’18
Why does IB display tvOS tableview cells with crazy frames?
My tvOS App has not been updated since the XCode 7 (maybe 8) - now, using XCode 9, I open a XIB with a UITableViewCell (or, create a new UITableViewCell in a new project - same thing) - the depiction of the cell and its subviews in IB is crazy. Details follow about each crazy thing I am seeing.1. This seems like a big one - the "contentView" in the table view cell is always more narrow than the width of the tableview cell it is contained in - maybe I am expecting things to work like iOS, I've made hundreds of custom table view cells for iOS Apps, is there some conceptual difference with tvOS I am missing? The content view is created automatically by IB. If I set my table view cell width to be 1920, the contentView is always 1700. As seen here. ( When I select any object in IB, it displays that objects frame offset to the left, while rendering the content of the object to the right, as seen here.( here, you can see the 8 anchor points for the 4 corners and 4 sides of the selected collection view, but you can see the constraints cause the collection view to be centered, and, you can also see the actual position of the collection view rendered as a light-gray/whiteish rectangle in the center of the cell! The anchor points and the blue selection rect are offset to the left by 110px (which is half the distance left over in the "margin" to the right where the content view fails to extend fully the width of the cell view, as described above!).3. This last screenshot ( the title label and the collection view selected - note again that the selection rect and the anchor points for the UILabel are offset to the left of where the lable is actually rendered.I've been working with IB for iOS Apps since 2012 (and before that without IB) and I have never seen anything like this. And, when I first developed this tvOS App 2 years ago, I am certain this was not the state of things with IB, I am certain at the time it was a WYSIWIG situation, as it is when designing views for iOS. Has something changed in XCode? Have I failed to account for some new option or setting or layout configuration?What gives? How is anyone supposed to use IB under these conditions, or, is this ONLY happening to me (and one other guy 2 years ago:
Feb ’18
The value for the key 'MinimumOSVersion' in bundle [notification extrension] is invalid. The minimum value is 10
I am seeing this error message in Application Loader when attempting to upload a new build to iTunes Connect. I uploaded a new build from the same branch a week ago, which was later reviewed (and approved) without this error. A week later, I up the version number of the app and now I can't upload a new build. Full Error message:ERROR ITMS-90362: "Invalid Info.plist value. The value for the key 'MinimumOSVersion' in bundle AppName/PlugIns/AppNameNotificationServiceExtension.appex is invalid. The minimum value is 10"The app includes a Notification Service Extension - the last 10 versions of the app have included this additional service - and the error message is specifically saying the MinimumOSVersion on the notification extension is the problem.But, no changes have been made to that target in months. None. No changes have been made to the app at all since the previous version - I went back to the exact branch of the last released version, and I upped the version number without making ANY OTHER CHANGES and then attempted to upload to iTunes Connect, got the same error. Literally the exact same code with a higher version number.There must be a problem with iTunes Connect. The only thing I have NOT attempted is to change the Targetted SDK version to iOS10 - that would be crazy at this point. We are currently targetting iOS9 as the minimum OS and do not plan to lock out iOS9 users until iOS11 acceptance has reached 95% (as we always do).Is there any known reason why this message would be appearing now?Thanks in advance for your help.
Aug ’17
Why won's Siri recognize my intents extension?
I am trying to add Siri Kit to my app - I have followed every step carefully, but Siri will not call my intents extension.I have built 3 test apps, plus the UnicornChart app, and all of them work fine. Which is to say, I can place NSLog statments in my resolve methods (INSearchForPhotosIntentHandling) - and the NSlogs appear in the console when I debug the intents extension (ie run the intents extension target and execute Siri).But with my real app, an app which I have been developing for several years and is up to version 5.4 , no matter what I do, Siri does not recognize my app, all I get is photos from the Web or photos in my phone's photo library.My intent extension implements INSearchForPhotosIntentHandling and I have methods in my intents handler class for:- (void) resolveAlbumNameForSearchForPhotos:(INSearchForPhotosIntent *)intent withCompletion:(void (^)(INStringResolutionResult * _Nonnull))completion- (void)confirmSearchForPhotos:(INSearchForPhotosIntent *)intent completion:(void (^)(INSearchForPhotosIntentResponse *response))completion- (void)handleSearchForPhotos:(INSearchForPhotosIntent *)intent completion:(void (^)(INSearchForPhotosIntentResponse *response))completionI have properly added the Siri capability to the project, and enabled SiriKit in the iOS dev portal for my appID.But - 3 test apps I built from scratch, all worked fine. All 3 of them, plus my real app have the exact same NSExtensionAttributes - The IntentHandler class was identical in all 3 test apps, plus the real app.I named the 3 test apps:- SiriTest- PannaSiriTest- TurkeySiriAll of these work when I speak "Find photos in fish album in TurkeySiri" - the last word being the app name.But when I do this with my real app name, no response - I just get photos from the web.My real app is named "Panna" - so I say "Find photos in fish album in Panna" - nothing.I don't know what code to post - if I post the code for my test apps, the code will work if anyone tries it.I can't post the code for my app, its tens of thousands of lines of irrelevant code of course, but the parts related to SiriKit are identical to the code in the test app. SO, I've posted the test app ('ve compared the test app to my real app 30 times. I've compared each class, the info.plist, my apps info plist. All match.The only thing I can think of is that it has something to do with the actual name of my app. I dont know why this would be a problem. But I can't help think this is the case,I would love to test this theory, but I can't find a way - what do I change to affect the word Siri uses to recognize my app? Is it the bundle name, the App ID name in IOS Portal? Is it something in the info.plist? But I am soliciting suggestions, ideas, wild guesses - ANYTHING. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks,Jordan.
Aug ’16