Hello there,
I am going to submit a new app on the Appstore.
I would like to submit for Iphone only first, and later, Ipad also (I have to fix some bugs first).
Is it possible to do so ?
Best regards
Hello everybody,
I have a never ending issue with appstore review, an need a QUICK HELP !
I am submitting a new app (**** training), for Iphones only.
I disabled other devices (such as Ipas) via Xcode.
In the appstore informations form, it is obligatory to provide ipad screens, so I provided screens showing Iphone experience.
Appstore team asked me to remove it because I don't authorize Ipads. But if I remove those screens, form cannot be sent.
I don't understantd how to proceed.
Thanks for the help
Hi there,
I prepare submission for an App, Speechlab, that will be proposed only in french for the moment, but should be accessible in any countries (for french speaking people).
Its purpose is **** training and french language enhancement.
Do I need to provide public informations (for users) in both french and english ?
Do I need to write Appstore informations (for submission) in english, or french is OK ?
Thank you :)