The document states that using private database counts towards the user's storage quota. However, I'm confused about the aspects "Data transfer" and "Requests per Second".
Let's consider a few examples,
a) Single Container
An app only operates within a single container and use the private database only, either manually using cloudkit or managed by core data.
b) Multiple Container
An app use multiple containers, within each container only use private database.
Does the "Data transfer" and "Requests Per Second" applicable to above cases?
Many thanks,
What's the price model for the shared database, i.e. the record user shared with others.
Does the record user shared counting towards the app's public database quota?
Or does it remain in user's private database quota for whom shared that record?
In another word, would implement the sharing feature(without using the public database) lead to additional cost on the developer side?
First and foremost, this question is intended to explore the feasibility, and possible workaround, of using SwiftUI 2.0 to build production ready document-based app.
Motivation: The new document based app in SwiftUI 2.0 still lacking many features, for example,
DocumentGroup: almost not customizable, i.e. template selection, tint color, nav bar items.
FileDocument/ReferenceFileDocument: No conflict resolution whatsoever. And as far as my trails, the ReferenceFileDocument cannot trigger any write operation :(*.
Solutions: Two obvious solutions,
the SwiftUI 1.0 solution is using the traditional AppDelegate, SceneDelegate, etc, then hosting the DocumentEditorView which assuming it is the SwiftUI view. However, it makes develop cross iOS/macOS app harder. Also harder to use the new SwiftUI stuff like AppStorage, ScenceStorage, WindowGroup, Widgets etcs. (OR there are workarounds maybe?)
the SwiftUI 2.0 solution, I have actually tried two paths.
A not very successful one, using #if os check to use @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor and @NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor. (let me know if you use this path).
So far partially worked, creating a SwiftUI view to wrap the DocumentBrowserViewController. see the demo code below.
My questions are:
I) Has anyone successed in using like UIDocument directly in a DocumentGroup?
II) Is DocumentGroup with "proper workaround" actually sufficient enough to replace the old framework?
III)Do you know any drawbacks to wrap a UIDocumentBrowserViewController in a SwiftUI's Representable? And if the drawback is serious enough that we should give up the SwiftUI 2.0's new App structure, and use the AppDelegate approach.
IV) Any related discussion is welcomed.
struct DocumentBrowserView: View {
		/// The presentation of the view itself.
		@Binding var isPresented: Bool
		@StateObject var model = ViewModel()
		var body: some View {
				Group {
						#if os(iOS)
						.fullScreenCover(isPresented: .init(get: {
								model.state == .loadedAndPresentingDocument
						}, set: { _ in
								// handle state in onDismiss.
						}), onDismiss: {
						}, content: {
								if model.document != nil {
								} else {
						#elseif os(macOS)
						Text("macOS NSDocumentController? Stub here.")
						fatalError("OS not supported.")
// MARK: - SwiftUI Interface
struct RepresentedUIDocumentBrowser {
		@Binding var isPresented: Bool
		@Binding var configuration: Configuration
		let supportedContentTypes: [UTType]? = nil
		func dismissView() {
				isPresented = false
extension RepresentedUIDocumentBrowser {
		public struct Configuration {
				var allowsDocumentCreation = true
				var allowsPickingMultipleItems = false
				var shouldShowFileExtensions = false
				var viewTintColor: UIColor = .systemOrange
// MARK: - UIViewControllerRepresentable
extension RepresentedUIDocumentBrowser: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
		typealias UIViewControllerType = CustomUIDocumentBrowserViewController
		func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
				Coordinator(parent: self)
		func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> CustomUIDocumentBrowserViewController {
				let vc = CustomUIDocumentBrowserViewController(forOpening: supportedContentTypes)
				vc.delegate = context.coordinator
				updateUIViewController(vc, context: context)
				return vc
		func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: CustomUIDocumentBrowserViewController, context: Context) {
				let vc = uiViewController
				vc.allowsDocumentCreation = configuration.allowsDocumentCreation
				vc.allowsPickingMultipleItems = configuration.allowsPickingMultipleItems
				vc.shouldShowFileExtensions = configuration.shouldShowFileExtensions
				vc.view.tintColor = configuration.viewTintColor
// MARK: - UIDocumentBrowserViewController Subclass
extension RepresentedUIDocumentBrowser {
		class CustomUIDocumentBrowserViewController: UIDocumentBrowserViewController {
				// Customizations
// MARK: - UIDocumentBrowserViewControllerDelegate
extension RepresentedUIDocumentBrowser {
		class Coordinator: NSObject, UIDocumentBrowserViewControllerDelegate {
				var parent: RepresentedUIDocumentBrowser
				init(parent: RepresentedUIDocumentBrowser) {
						self.parent = parent
				// MARK: Create New
				func documentBrowser(_ controller: UIDocumentBrowserViewController,
														 didRequestDocumentCreationWithHandler importHandler: @escaping (URL?, UIDocumentBrowserViewController.ImportMode) -> Void) {
				func documentBrowser(_ controller: UIDocumentBrowserViewController,
														 didImportDocumentAt sourceURL: URL,
														 toDestinationURL destinationURL: URL) {
				func documentBrowser(_ controller: UIDocumentBrowserViewController,
														 failedToImportDocumentAt documentURL: URL,
														 error: Error?) {
				// MARK: Select
				func documentBrowser(_ controller: UIDocumentBrowserViewController,
														 didPickDocumentsAt documentURLs: [URL]) {
				// MARK: UIActivity
How to use UIDocument in SwiftUI's DocumentGroup?
I was thinking to wrap the UIDocument in a ReferenceFileDocument. However, the ReferenceFileDocument doesn't have a fileURL property, and I can't figure out a way to get it.
Any ideas?
The reference file document does not trigger any save action upon objectWillChange, assuming this is what trigger the write mechanism.
I've tested both using a simple String as the Snopshot type. As well as my production document model which is an ObservableObject.
Is it a bug? Or can Apple engineer provide a working example using ReferenceFileDocument?
version: XCode 12 beta 6
I'm designing a document based app using UIDocument with a custom UT conforming to package that mainly contain a json file and a folder of images.
I've read a couple of articles date from 2010s that the base implementation of UIDocument using FileWrapper to r/w a package has major performance issue when it contains a large number of files(i.e. images). Eventually those apps had to override the UIDocument by manually handle all the w/r and not using the FileWrapper. Considering the file coordination and conflict resolutions etc, could be hard and error proven.
Do you have any recent experience on such issue?
What's the practical maximum number of files/images a package can contain that without blowing the performance?
XCode 12 Beta 5 Document App
Create project using the cross-platform document based app.
Run for example iPhone Pro 14.0 simulator.
The document UI is shown. Then click the add or create document.
NOTHING happens after click the create/add document button.
2020-08-22 17:40:39.269578+0800 XCodeBeta5Doc[21402:486016] libMobileGestalt MobileGestaltCache.c:38: No persisted cache on this platform.
2020-08-22 17:40:40.406663+0800 XCodeBeta5Doc[21402:486010] [AXRuntimeCommon] Unknown client: XCodeBeta5Doc
How do we achieve the equivalent conflict resolution in UIDocument in an SwiftUI document based app?
How to use double/triple columns navigation style in SwiftUI document-based app?
The problem is that the DocumentGroup() itself, seems already a NavigationView.
In a non-document-based app, we can simply achieve this using three views within a navigation view.
However, this is not the case for DocumentGroup.
The views will be "VStack-ed".
I've also tried setting the navigation view style as double column, which also failed.
Any workaround?
struct SomeApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
As shown in the documentation, this method is marked available for iOS 14+ [Beta].
Configures the view’s title for purposes of navigation, using a custom view. func navigationTitle<V>(_ title: () -> V) -> some View where V : View
However, when use it in a view, the compiler warns it is not available.
body: some View {
Text("Hello, world!")
.navigationTitle {
// Or even Text("some title")
Is it a bug or a removed api with outdated documentation?