




Changing Info.plist ATS value for Release archives
Hi, My company has an app that is communicating with local servers with self signed certificates, meaning in order to allow the app to have connection in the testing environment I had to add a few domains in NSExceptionDomains in App Transport Security Settings section of the Info.plist. The problem is, our Cyber department is not allowing us to upload the app with these domain in the app fearing a data leak. I had a Build Phase script using PlistBuddy that deleted those settings when archiving in Release but that no longer works as Apple recommended to set ”Generate Info.plist file” to true as a best practice. I tried to read about it and found out that info.plist is now generated after the build phases step so modifying it is impossible because it doesn’t exist yet in the $TARGET_BUILD_DIR when the script is running. Other than deleting it manually before each upload which is highly prone to mistakes, I need something like a script or some other automatic solution. Does Anyone have any suggestions to help me with this? Thanks
Aug ’24
Retrieving user apple ids from App store connect
Hi! I have 2 apps in the app store, one for free (lite version) and one that costs money(premium version). I am now developing an app with in app purchases that will replace those two. The question is: How do I retrieve the users that already paid for the first app so they don't have to pay again? Disclaimer: No, I don't have a separate database of those users. Thanks in advance!
Oct ’20