




developer information updating in process for more than 30 days?
hi, I have updated my developer information months ago, it is almost before 30 days, I found that I could not submit any updates or new app to AppStore as it says "Note: Your developer information update is in process.". I know it will take some time, as the document states it is about 1 or 2 weeks, however, it is now more than 30 days passed, it is still in process. I am a little worried about what happened on this process? I want to get contact with the right Apple employee, so that I could know what happened on it. There're some updates and bug fixes I could not wait for more time, so if anyone know how to get it solved, it will be very appreciated!
Aug ’24
How to revoke the request for subscription review?
We know, when we add a subscription, we could submit it with the binary. But if we do not want to include this subscription again, after rejected by reviewer as subscription does not meet the guidelines. After rejected by reviewer, we do not want to include this subscription any more. So, we deleted all subscription products in our App Store Connect. But, it seems not updated with the reviewer, the reviewer can still see the subscriptions! We can also not revoke this request, as it does not appear again after we submitted it with the binary. So, what is the right way to revoke this request for subscription? If we could revoke this request, and we really do not want to include the subscriptions now, we can not update our app any more as it will be rejected for incomplete subscriptions. Hope the apple could fix this bug, as it just waste of developer's time, it is obvious that we had deleted all subscription products, it should be updated with the reviewer, so he can know it is not necessary for reviewing the subscription any more, or else, app rejected by incomplete subscription as he does not know the developer had already deleted the subscriptions!
Feb ’21