




Build not appearing inside the test flight section.
Hello, I have created a production build with eas, in the aim of testing my app with Testflight before submitting it. The build was successful. I used to transporter to download the ipa file. Now the build (with the new version number) appears inside the App Store section (as needing to be finalized before submission). However, no traces of it inside the TestFlight section. What am I missing here ?
Jun ’23
Two provisioning profile with same type and same app identifier
We have an app that is already in the App Store. Currently I have passed it from bare to managed using expo go. To finalize the IOS settings, I have to upload the distribution certificate as well as the distribution provisioning profile. Problem : the provisioning profile linked to this appId has expired a while ago and it can't be downloaded any longer nor uploaded to expo dashboard. I've thought of creating a new one, which will be identical (except for the name). Is there any counter-indications to having two provisioning profiles linked to the same app bundle identifier and with the same distribution type (appStore) ? If I create a new provisioning profile, will the app in store and currently installed on my user's devices still be linked to the former (the expired one) ? Thanks a lot for any clarifications, I am a bit lost as to what should not be tampered with once the app is already in store.
May ’23