




Reset Developer Id Password
I managed to lose my password in a mixup with my password manager. It has taken me a few hours to work out how to reset it. Following the forgotten password link on the sign in page only takes you to a point where you are asked to reset the password on your iCloud user id. If they are one and the same that's ok. Mine aren't. I eventually found the answer: in the settings app choose developer 2 scroll to the end and choose the sandbox apple account 3. choose this and reset
Jan ’25
Updating EditButton
I am trying to update the EditButton after deleting rows in a List, but its title doesn't change. I have sent an update event via a publisher that applies the mode change based on the number of items remaining in the list. Here's the update event handler: .onReceive(updateViewPublisher, perform: { _ in self.editMode?.wrappedValue = textFileData.textFiles.count == 0 ? .inactive : .active update += 1 })``` The edit mode is changed to inactive when the list is empty, but the button continues to display 'done'. If I adda new list item it remains set to 'done' and the delete control is displayed against the new item. I have seen loads of posts about this on various sites, but no solutions. I am trying this on Xcode 16.2 and IOS 18.2. If someone from Apple sees this, a reply would be most welcome.
Dec ’24
View update issues + DisclosureGroup issue
My code was working perfectly well until the latest Xcode update. Suddenly the DisclosureGroup stopped working, causing the app to freeze. Also there seems to have been a change to the way SwiftUI tracks view updates because some of my code went into a screaming loop thinking a view was constantly changing. Developing code is hard enough without these problems coming out of nowhere.
May ’24
Deleting CloudKit containers
When I go to Settings and tap on the account, choose iCloud>manage account storage and try to delete the storage associated with an app id developer mode, it doesn't give me the option to delete the data. I have tried using the CloudKit Console to delete the container data, but the entry for the app is still there. How do I delete it?
May ’24
Swiftdata Model crash
I am converting a large core data app to SwiftData and have hit a problem I can't fix, namely code generated by a Model crashing. Here is the model showing the failing expansion. Here is the model containing the inverse for the failing attribute: /Users/writingshedprod/Desktop/Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 20.21.51.png And here is the mass of core data output generated when the app launches. If anyone can make sense of this I'd be grateful. This is where the problem might lie. Debugger.txt
May ’24
@Query macro vs Query struct
I have spent hours trying to get @Query macros to compile. Mostly they throw up meaningless errors for example the following produces 3 compiler errors: @Query var stylesheets: [StyleSheet] Here's the expansion. The compiler complains that 'private' can't be used here, and it can't find _stylesheets. I searched everywhere to find a resolution then I came across the Query struct. I used it as follows to replace the @Query: let query = Query(FetchDescriptor<StyleSheet>(), animation: .smooth) let styleSheets = query.wrappedValue This also solves another issue that was bugging me - how to get the context when the environment variable is often rejected. All I need to do now is write: let context = query.modelContext None of the WWDC23 SwiftData videos mentions the use of the struct, which is a shame. It feels much like the CoreData approach to fetching data. I hope this helps some of you.
May ’24
@Observable conflict with @Query
If I annotate a class with @Observable I get this error in @Query: Expansion of macro 'Query()' produced an unexpected 'init' accessor If I remove @Observable the error goes away. Elsewhere I have .environment referencing the class. With @Observable this complains that the class needs to be @Observable. I am mystified. Does anyone have a suggestion?
May ’24
SwiftUI view update problem
I have encountered an issue with nested view updates that I don't understand. Maybe someone can explain what is happening. In the code below the ContentView loads 2 views in succession. MyView1 followed by MyView2. MyView displays a button while MyView2 displays the value of its first argument. When the button is pressed MyView1 changes the value of its bound first argument. The ContentView is reloaded because of the change to its first argument. This results in MyView1 and MyView2 both being loaded again. Looked at from a procedural point of view this isn't what I was expecting. import SwiftUI @main struct MyApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } } struct ContentView: View { @State var mydata1:Int = 0 @State var mydata2:Int = 1 var body: some View { VStack { Text("Hello world \(mydata1)") MyView1(v1:$mydata1, v2:$mydata2) Text(" myData1 = \(mydata1) myData2 = \(mydata2) ") MyView2(v1:$mydata1, v2:$mydata2) Text("Bye bye \(mydata1)") } } } struct MyView1:View { @Binding var v1:Int @Binding var v2:Int var body: some View { Text("MyView1") if $v1.wrappedValue == 0 { Button(action: { $v1.wrappedValue = 10 }, label: { Text("OK") }) } } } struct MyView2:View { @Binding var v1:Int @Binding var v2:Int var body: some View { Text("MyView2") if $v1.wrappedValue == 0 { Text("v1 = \(v1) v2 = \(v2) ") } else { Text("???") } } }
Apr ’24
Project Navigator Collapsing all the time
The project navigator in my project keeps collapsing for no apparent reason. I've hunted high and low but can't find a setting to keep it expanded. This is not a new project and the issue began recently after an Xcode upgrade. I am currently using Xcode 15.3 release candidate. If anyone knows how to fix this I'd be very grateful if they could let me know.
Mar ’24
Nightmare testing with Xcode 15.3 beta 3
I have downloaded the latest beta and tried testing Mac OS Catalyst. It consistently fails with a signing error. I tried using an iPhone 17.2 sim but that failed to install throwing up 'Unable to boot device because it cannot be located on disk', so I reinstalled the sim but got the same error. I then tried 17.4 which simply hangs on the install. So friends, yesterday I was progressing using beta 2, but today I have hit a show stopper. Am I the only one?
Feb ’24