




iOS Undo crash - How to interpret back trace?
I'm trying to debug the backtrace from Crashalytics. It happening in the undo block. Does anyone know how to interpret the exception on "obc_opt_class" and "swift_getObjectType"? 0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x199e3008c objc_opt_class + 16 1 libswiftCore.dylib 0x189285128 swift_getObjectType + 64 2 libswiftFoundation.dylib 0x188d8f7fc thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed Any) -> () + 40 3 Foundation 0x186660af0 -[_NSUndoStack popAndInvoke] + 188 4 Foundation 0x18665e6ec -[NSUndoManager undoNestedGroup] + 292
Jul ’21
IDFA iOS App Getting Rejected After Adding the Transparency Framework and being accepted in 10/20
Has anyone had problems with the Apple Review team rejecting apps with a total lack of explanation? In October, I added the App Transparency Framework and used Google Admob to display advertising inside my app. On Aril 28th, my app was suddenly reject for the reason: "Your app appears to manipulate users into enabling tracking across different apps and websites. Specifically:  Your app offers incentives, including earn credits, in exchange for the user enabling tracking.  Users expect to have control over how their personal information is used, and you should not force or manipulate them into enabling tracking." Since then, I've tried multiple submission. I removed all advertising and all tracking and everything else I can think of to get the app to be approved again. I've submitted the app five time since the first rejection. I've uploaded screen shots, videos, and screen recordings of the app in Xcode. Nothing has worked and I'm unable to explain to the reviewers that this app simply doesn't have any advertising, tracking sharing you name it. I've requested multiple phone calls and received no contact for the last two weeks from the Apple review team. Does anyone know what the secret sauce is to get Apple to call me back or get an app approved again?
May ’21
Uploading to the App store are failing with An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this problem persists, please contact us. With error code UNEXPECTED_ERROR for id 7f5a3dcb-39d5-4cab-afe1-531ab5c74bdf
Apple please get your network operations team to investigate. Uploading and app archive to the app store is displaying: An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this problem persists, please contact us. With error code UNEXPECTED_ERROR for id 7f5a3dcb-39d5-4cab-afe1-531ab5c74bdf
May ’21
Build Metal-based Core Image kernels with Xcode - not working
I attempted to follow the steps to create a core image kernel using the build settings outlined in the video. I could not get the metal core image kernels to link properly into the project. Does anyone have working sample code for integrating metal and core image together. I've written with metal shaders and I've had no issues integrating that into my apps. However, the steps for compiling into core image seem to be much more complicated.
Jul ’20