




In-app purchase review rejected and cannot submit again
We have an app support auto-renew subscriptions submit for review recently. After app review rejected several times we found in-app purchase review was rejected too, "Your In-App Purchase has been returned. You must modify or delete the highlighted item" showed up. We don't know when and from which app build the in-app purchase was rejected. After we fixed items marked by red color in in-app purchase setting, we found the "submit for review" button was gray, and the message said "At least one of your in-app purchases is associated with a version of an app that's not yet approved. Until this version is approved, you can't submit any changes for review". We deleted the last rejected app build, but the message did not change. Is the message mean we need not do anything with the in-app purchase until app review approved? But how if in-app purchase is connected with app review problem? Can in-app purchase rejection be the reason of app review rejection? Is there anyone have the same problem? Thanks.
Jun ’22
App review rejected because of verify receipt problem
Guideline 2.1 - Performance We noticed that with a valid receipt installed, your app quits on launch. The Console reports the app "Exited with exit code:173"and the OS states the app "is damaged and can't be opened." This generally indicates that the app is not verifying its receipt correctly. Out app has auto renew subscription defined and the subscription review was rejected too. Out app use on device receipt validation according to the Receipt Validation Programing Guide Document. We use openssl to verify signature of PKCS7 package against Apple Root Certificate, parse ANS1 objects, verify BundleID, App version, Hash from receipts and call exit 173 when validation failed as document says. We have tested Developer Build in sandbox env and Release Build from Test Flight, and can not re-produce the error. We have told out test result to the app review team, but they still had the same error and can't gave more technical information. I guess there may a simple setting somewhere or may be different env between us and app review team? But I can't figure it out. Is there any one have the same problem? Or Is there something i have missed?Thanks for any help!
Jun ’22
In-app purchase fail to get receipts and macos says application damaged
I'm developing an application with In-app purchase. After launched, the application will check if receipts exist or not, and will call "exit 173" if receipts not exist, then macos will fetch receipts for application and re-launch it. When testing the application after a new installation(which means no receipts installed), first i found the application quit quickly after launching(this means exit 173 worked) and then i got error message says "application is damaged, remove it and download again from app store". Just a week ago, the same test was worked, and app store asked user account and password, and launched the application again. But now i can not continue the test. the following is console log: 17:43:55.505166+0800 storeuid Fetching missing receipt for sandbox app /Applications/Right 17:43:55.506797+0800 storeuid <StoreKitClient: 0x7fdc4d75c500>: Using active account. Sandbox: 1, receipt exists: NO, receipt is stub: NO 17:43:55.509601+0800 commerce storeuid[793] starting request app-receipt-create 17:43:55.686252+0800 commerce <CKStoreRequest: 0x7fba2910b830> 17:43:56.031342+0800 commerce StoreSession: StatusCode: 200; ; Environment: (null); URL: 17:43:56.032185+0800 storeuid <ReceiptRefreshRequest: 0x7fdc4e23b660>: Error fetching receipt for com.zeon.RightPDF - Error Code=1001 "(null)" 17:43:56.032480+0800 storelegacy StoreLegacy: Failed to perform in-line receipt renewal for application at path /Applications/Right : 'Error Code=1001 "(null)"' Does anyone konw what the meaning of the error code:" Code=1001" or how to resolve it? Thanks for any help.
Jun ’22