We have an app support auto-renew subscriptions submit for review recently. After app review rejected several times we found in-app purchase review was rejected too, "Your In-App Purchase has been returned. You must modify or delete the highlighted item" showed up. We don't know when and from which app build the in-app purchase was rejected.
After we fixed items marked by red color in in-app purchase setting, we found the "submit for review" button was gray, and the message said "At least one of your in-app purchases is associated with a version of an app that's not yet approved. Until this version is approved, you can't submit any changes for review".
We deleted the last rejected app build, but the message did not change.
Is the message mean we need not do anything with the in-app purchase until app review approved? But how if in-app purchase is connected with app review problem? Can in-app purchase rejection be the reason of app review rejection?
Is there anyone have the same problem? Thanks.