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Hi, Is there a known default pose for the hand skeleton for VisionOS? There's the HandSkeleton.neutralPose but the matrices are all identity. Is there a certain shape to it? ie in the WWDC Video They are using Astronaut gloves, but in what position were these modelled? Fingers forward with the thumb at 90 degrees etc?
by nthState.
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Hi, I am working on a visionOS Swift Package. I'm trying to generate the documentation for preview and export with the following commands, however I keep getting the error: /Users/chris/myfile.swift:6:8: error: no such module 'UIKit' import UIKit - I'm using UIKit for a color variable. My Package has: ... platforms: [.visionOS(.v1)] ... Failing Commands: swift package --disable-sandbox preview-documentation and PACKAGE_NAME=packageName REPOSITORY_NAME=repoName OUTPUT_PATH=./docs swift package --allow-writing-to-directory $OUTPUT_PATH \ generate-documentation --target $PACKAGE_NAME \ --disable-indexing \ --transform-for-static-hosting \ --hosting-base-path $REPOSITORY_NAME \ --output-path $OUTPUT_PATH The documentation does build if I build it from within Xcode's Product->Build Documentation menu Does anyone have any ideas what's wrong here?
by nthState.
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Hi, MPMediaPickerController isn't available on VisionOS, is there a new API I can use to pick audio? Kind Regards Chris
by nthState.
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Hi, Is there a performant way to record the ARKit view as a video?- I've tried to use ReplayKit, but the methods are just not getting called.- I've tried the ARSessionDelegate call backs to get a CVPixelBuffer, but it's not a fully rendered frame.Has anyone got a solution?
by nthState.
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Hi,Previously with ARKit/ARSCNView I could use a SCNTechnique to apply a shader to my scene, but I can't find out how to do something similar in RealityKit- Is there something like this in RealityKit? where I can apply a fragment/vertex shader to the scene- or a way to get the rendered scene as a texture?Kind RegardsChris
by nthState.
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Hi, I am setting up a NSBrowser as follows: NWBrowser(for: .bonjour(type: bonjourType, domain: nil), using: parameters) When running on iOS13, everything works great, but on iOS14, I keep getting: nwbrowserfailondnserrorlocked [B3] DNSServiceBrowse failed: NoAuth(-65555) Is there something that I need to specifically set for iOS14? Kind Regards Chris
by nthState.
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Hi, I'm not sure if I should be doing this, but anyway: I'm using model files created in Blender, who's Axis system is Z up. When I download a model from my server into my app, the model is rotated incorrectly, as RealityKit uses Y Up. Should I change the axis system in Blender so that it matches RealityKit (As I can't figure out how to change RealityKit's axis) Should I incorporate some sort of transformation step when I load my model? Kind Regards Chris
by nthState.
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Hi, I just installed BigSur Beta 5 on my Mac mini with Apple Silicon and now it's in a reboot loop. I hear the boot chime, the LED is white, 2 seconds later it goes orange, 10 seconds after that it flickers and goes back to the chime. Does anyone know how to get past this, or is the machine now bricked? Kind Regards Chris
by nthState.
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Hi, I'm debugging my app on an Apple Developer Transition Kit running Big Sur Beta 8 I have a in my Toolbar, and when I hover over it, it changes color......this is news to me. Previously on Catalina, you would get zero interaction with this. Is there anyway to stop it having a rollover state? Thanks Chris
by nthState.
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Hi,I have a SCNTechnique pass `scene_only`, and I was expecting the camera feed to be rendered to a texture `scene_out`, snippet below, but when I debug the GPU, it's just black for the pass, do I have to specify another parameter to capture the camera feed too? Seemingly related: <key>scene_only</key> <dict> <key>colorStates</key> <dict> <key>clear</key> <true/> </dict> <key>excludeCategoryMask</key> <string>1</string> <key>draw</key> <string>DRAW_SCENE</string> <key>inputs</key> <dict/> <key>outputs</key> <dict> <key>color</key> <string>scene_out</string> </dict> </dict>
by nthState.
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