iTunes Connect Test User invite not working

In users and roles section of itunes connect. I have sent invites to few internal testers by clicking add button in iTunes Connect users section. The invite email goes into their email account but clicking on activate your account opens up a blank page or sometimes 404 error. Resending invitation also does not help. Is this an apple issue or I am doing anything wrong. Please help.

I am experiencing the same issue. Activate your account opens a blank screen. The only thing on it is a link to at the bottom left.

Same issue here. I'm trying to invite people and the link gets sent. But when someone clicks on it it opens a blank page with at the bottom a link to and something like '{{ l10n.interpolate('ITC.HeaderFooter.PrivacyPolicyLinkText') }}. Happens in multiple browsers

Looks like a bug since there should be nothing more to it then entering a email address and selecting roles...

I am also having exactly the same issue, when the person recieving the invite email clicks on the link, they see a blank screen.

I have the same issue as well.

I sent invite to several users and tried Chrome, Firefox, Safari browsers and none of them works.

I have the same problem.

I sent invite to three people of my team and in all cases the link page is blank, we tasted in Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera.

Same problem here. Browser doesn't make a difference.

Still not working. Tried all browsers. Tried VPN. Tried re-sending. Tried removing and re-adding users. Tried praying to my solid gold Steve Jobs idol.

apple plz...

This is absolutely ridiculous. I've been trying every 30 minutes, to no avail. Apple needs to get this fixed ASAP.

I'm experiencing same issue, blank screen or "Unable To Sign In" error (2002). This would happen when we push for testing....

Still not working...

IT has a Error: Script error for:

This piece of garbage is still not working. Same blank page, same weird interpolation at the bottom of the page that looks like this:

{{ l10n.interpolate('ITC.HeaderFooter.Copyright.text') }} © {{ getYear }} {{ l10n.interpolate('ITC.HeaderFooter.Copyright.AppleRightsReserved') }}

{{ l10n.interpolate('ITC.HeaderFooter.PrivacyPolicyLinkText') }}

Come on Apple. Fix your ****.

Filed radar #23061362

Their invite system has been down for three days now. I submitted a support ticket Friday morning and still have not heard back. My managers are up my *** and obviously think it's my fault when there's absolutely nothing I can do in this situation. Thanks for treating your developers so well, Apple. Could you at least admit there's a problem so I don't lose my job?

Three days later and it's still not working and Apple has not responded to my technical support request ticket.

Has anyone been able to add a new TestFlight user? I've been having the same issue where a new user encounters a blank page when trying to activate their account since last Thursday night.

I immediately contacted Apple for support and still have not yet heard back.

Same here... Tried it on Friday, not working since.

It's crazy that you can't add new people who have just joined the team...

The problem seems to be that a script in the page is referring to a non-public hostname I was able to workaround this issue by manually modifying the script in Chrome Developer Tools and re-executing the code in the Developer Console.

1) Open the activation URL in Chrome

2) Open Chrome Developer Tools (Cmd-Alt-I on OS X, Ctrl-Shift-I on Windows)

3) Go to the Sources tab

4) Find main.js (

5) Modify line 20 to replace "" with ""

6) Select the contents of the main.js file and copy to the clipboard

7) Paste into the console (you may need to tap the ">_" button to make it visible)

8) Press <Enter>

You should now see the expected iTunes Connect spinner appear and eventually you'll see a Terms and Conditions window.

It showed the spinner for me but then it says:

Not Found

The requested URL /WebObjects/undefined.woa was not found on this server.

Same problem...

Not Found

The requested URL /WebObjects/undefined.woa was not found on this server.

Same here.. Not Found.

Day 3 now...

Same here!

Good idea ... but the next error follows.

Worked for me

iTunes Connect Test User invite not working