Discuss spatial computing on Apple platforms and how to design and build an entirely new universe of apps and games for Apple Vision Pro.

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Rendering bug when layering transparent textures front and back
If I put an alpha image texture on a model created in Blender and run it on RCP or visionOS, the rendering between the front and back due to alpha will result in an unintended rendering. Details are below. I expor ted a USDC file of a Blender-created cylindrical object wit h a PNG (wit h alpha) texture applied to t he inside, and t hen impor ted it into Reality Composer Pro. When multiple objects t hat make extensive use of transparent textures are placed in front of and behind each ot her, t he following behaviors were obser ved in t he transparent areas ・The transparent areas do not become transparent ・The transparent areas become transparent toget her wit h t he image behind t hem the order of t he images becomes incorrect Best regards.
Reality Composer Pro Timeline does not seem to work on iphone 12 and 11
I created a project using Reality Composer Pro. When I export to a .usdz file, it works well on iPhone 13, 14, 15, and 16 but not on iPhone 12 and 11. In the timeline, I use a behaviour that is on added to scene to active intro animation and loop background audio. But it does not work on old device like iPhone 12 and 11. Also, all interactive taps/touch points/audio don't seem to work too. Iphone 13,14,15,16 is on ios 18.1. iPhone 11, 12 is on ios 17.6.1. Here is sample usdz file exported from REality Composer Pro 2.0 that has problem above: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sHZn9JABTswLq2flYjToTbWDuE5T7eNw/view?usp=sharing
distance calculation:I want to implement the same code functionality for distance calculation in Unity using SwiftUI. visionos
I use this piece of code in Unity to get the distance length of my model entering another model. I have set collision markers at the tip and end of the model and performed raycasting, but Unity currently does not support object tracking in VisionOS. Therefore, I plan to use SwiftUI for native development. In Reality Composer Pro, I haven't seen a collision editing feature like in Unity; I can only set the size of the collision body but cannot manually adjust or visualize the shape and size of my collision body. I want to achieve similar functionality using SwiftUI, to be able to calculate and display the distance that my model A, like a needle or ruler, penetrates into another model or a physical object's interior. Is there a similar functionality available, or other coding methods to achieve this? void CalculateLengthInsideOrgan() { // Direction from the base of the probe to the tip Vector3 direction = probeTip.position - probeBase.position; float probeLength = direction.magnitude; // Raycasting RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(probeBase.position, direction, probeLength, organLayerMask); if (hits.Length > 0) { // Calculate the length entering the organ float distanceToFirstHit = hits[0].distance; lengthInsideOrgan = probeLength - distanceToFirstHit; } else { lengthInsideOrgan = 0f; } }
Regarding real-time object tracking and real-time image recognition
We used real-time object tracking, and with enterprise permissions, we can improve the smoothness to 30Hz, but there are still noticeable delays. On one hand, we want to know why this delay occurs; is it due to performance considerations? Because we found that the delay in hand tracking is actually very low. On the other hand, we consider that it may be due to the complexity of 3D objects, so I considered using image tracking. However, we found that there are even more serious delays in image tracking and QR code tracking. We hope to optimize it. Currently, the frame rate for recognizing images for tracking seems to be one frame per second, and we hope to increase it because object recognition and tracking can be very smooth on other Apple platforms, such as iOS. Additionally, can we appropriately consider interfaces for depth recognition to obtain depth data? We want to know what accuracy vision can achieve in measuring the physical world, as well as the accuracy in rendering on the screen. We wonder if this is related to hardware devices like radar. Also, what accuracy can we achieve in tracking the movement distance of objects?
ARKit AnchorUpdate<ImageAnchor>.event Behavior Changes in visionOS 2.1
In visionOS beta, when using ARKit for image detection, the initially detected AnchorUpdate status is .add, and subsequent detections of the same image are marked as .update. However, after toggling immersiveSpace, the same image is detected with the status .add again. After updating to visionOS 2.1, the first detection status remains `add, and subsequent detections of the same image remain .update, even after toggling immersiveSpace. Could this be due to a change in processing flow?
Attachment always user facing
Hello, Is there a way to always have the attachments of a RealityView always face the user? For example, in a visionOS app, in an immersive space, we have an attachment. When the user either walks around the attachment, or rotates the parent entity, we would like the attachment to automatically rotate to face the user. How do we do this? I anticipated this to be a trivial feature to implement, since I thought I remembered seeing this feature as a built-in/opt-in option for attachments. But, I cannot find that feature. All and any recommendations are appreciated, thanks.
Access main camera on Apple Vision Pro
From visionOS 2.0 we can access Apple Vision Pro's main camera but only for Enterprise account as it is enterprise API only, I have a normal Developer account and I want to use main camera and want to have a video call feature in app by using main camera of AVP, is it possible to do it using developer account only. Currently using that account I am not able to create entitlement certificate as there is no option.
Eye Difference in Object Tracking
Hi all, I am having trouble debugging an error where the wireframe object entity representation for the Object Tracking Demo: "Explore object tracking for visionOS" appears incorrect in the right eye of the Vision Pro but correct in the left eye. Would anyone happen to know what is going on? I have attempted to offset the object by changing world coordinates, but this moves the object in both the left and the right eye. Could this be due to the new visionOS beta update (2.0 --> 2.2) ? I am currently using visionOS 2.2. Thanks!
How to insert modified video frames into the system camera to achieve AI erase effect?
By applying for the enterprise API, we can obtain the data of video frames collected by VisionPro glasses, and then we process the collected video frames to achieve the function of eliminating a certain object. But it was not found how to insert the processed video frames into the data source collected by the system camera. So I would like to ask if there is any API that can insert processed video frames into the original data and present them to the user? This effect is similar to the right side twist of VisionPro glasses, which allows the physical world and digital space to blend perfectly after rotation. So, I would like to ask if there is a related API that can solve this problem? STEPS TO REPRODUCE Obtain video frames, Process the obtained video frames Insert the processed video frames into the VisonOS system camera. System: VisionOS 2.0 API used: Enterprise APIs Main camera access permissions
Custom 3D Window Using RealityView
I have a RealityView displaying a Reality Composer Pro scene in window. Things are generally working fine, but the content seems to be appearing in front of and blocking the VisionOS window, rather than being contained inside it. Do I need to switch to a volumetric view for this to work? My scene simply contains a flat display which renders 3D content (it has a material that sends different imagery to each eye).
[Reality Composer Pro] How to Enable Entities Mid-Timeline Without Early Appearance?
Hi! I'm using timeline in Reality Composer Pro. I tried to enable entities that were disabled at the beginning of the scene to be enabled in the middle of the Timeline playback using the 'Enable Entities'. But it didn't work well as I imagined. (It was keep appearing before starting Timeline) How do I solve this problem? Are there good solutions about it?
How to present an alert in visionOS immersive space?
My visionOS app uses an immersive view. If the app encounters an error, I want to present an alert. I tried in a demo app to present such an alert, but it is not shown. Nearly the same code on iOS presents an alert window. Here is my demo code, based on Apple's Immersive Environment App template: import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct ErrorInfo: LocalizedError, Equatable { var errorDescription: String? var failureReason: String? } struct ImmersiveView: View { @State private var presentAlert = false let error = ErrorInfo( errorDescription: "My error", failureReason: "No reason" ) var body: some View { RealityView { content, attachments in let mesh = MeshResource.generateBox(width: 1.0, height: 0.05, depth: 1.0) var material = UnlitMaterial() material.color.tint = .red let boardEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: mesh, materials: [material]) boardEntity.transform.translation = [0, 0, -3] content.add(boardEntity) } update: { content, attachments in // … } attachments: { // … } .onAppear { presentAlert = true } .alert( isPresented: $presentAlert, error: error, actions: { error in }, message: { error in Text(error.failureReason!) }) } } Since I cannot see any alert, is something wrong with my code? How should an alert be presented in immersive space?
[ARKit, Reality Composer Pro] Is it possible loading Immersive Scene after recognizing preregistered images?
Hi! I wanna know that if it's possible that loading Immersive Scene after scanning(recognizing) preregistered images or objects? I tried to load the Immersive scene after scanning image and objects, it didn't work well. Please let me know about the solution if it's possible. Here the ImmersiveView.swift code i tried. // ImmersiveView.swift import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent // Using the RealityKitContent module struct ImmersiveView: View { @ObservedObject var viewModel: TrackingViewModel @State private var immersiveScene: Entity? @State private var isToggleOn: Bool = false // Variable for toggle state var body: some View { ZStack { // Overlay RealityView and UI elements RealityView { content in if let scene = immersiveScene { content.add(scene) print("Immersive scene successfully added.") if let moneyGunsEntity = scene.findEntity(named: "MoneyGuns") { NotificationCenter.default.post( name: Notification.Name("RealityKit.NotificationTrigger"), object: nil, userInfo: [ "RealityKit.NotificationTrigger.Scene": scene, "RealityKit.NotificationTrigger.Identifier": "PlayTimeline" ] ) print("PlayTimeline notification sent.") } else { print("MoneyGuns entity not found.") } } } .onAppear { Task { if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) { immersiveScene = scene } else { print("Failed to load immersive scene.") } } } VStack { Spacer() Toggle(isOn: $isToggleOn) { // Add toggle button Text("Toggle Option") .foregroundColor(.white) } .padding() .background(Color.black.opacity(0.7)) .cornerRadius(8) .padding() } } } }