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Support in-app purchases and interactions with the App Store using StoreKit.

StoreKit Documentation






Manage Subscriptions prompts for a sandbox user credential that belongs to another app
When I trigger the 'you've already purchased this subscription' alert and go to "Manage" my subscriptions, I'm prompted for a password to: a Sandbox test account that belongs to a different app and I no longer have access to Key Details: I no longer have access to that Sandbox user, as I no longer work for that company. I have long-since removed my AppleID from all of those apps using the appropriate flow to remove myself from their development accounts. As such, I cannot delete these sandbox users myself. I have wicked psychological damage from working at that company, and cannot 'reach out to them' to have them delete the sandbox accounts. I'm taking damage every time I see this alert as it is. I'm NOT logged into my iPhone as a Sandbox tester, but with my AppleID proper. NO purchases/iTunes email separate from my AppleID. The prior AppStore Connect + App that it's asking me for credentials for did not offer subscriptions of any kind. We only use Purchases Sandbox. We DON'T use StoreKit. Questions: Why am I being asked for this when I cannot ever succeed at providing it? How do I work around this problem, so I can view and manage my test subscriptions? Screenshots: This alert: Leads to this alert, which is an email address that belongs to a sandbox account that was created for an entirely different application on an entirely different AppStore Connect account, that I no longer develop for. I want to make this 100% crystal clear that there is no association whatsoever with my current application and the sandbox user this alert is asking me to provide credentials for.
Sep ’24
Sending main actor-isolated value of type 'PurchaseAction' with later accesses to nonisolated context risks causing data races
Trying to migrate to Swift 6. However getting this error when using SwiftUI StoreKit purchase environment. Sending main actor-isolated value of type 'PurchaseAction' with later accesses to nonisolated context risks causing data races @Environment(\.purchase) private var purchase let result = try await purchase(product)
Sep ’24
StoreKit2 with C++ application. How?
Hello all! My application written with C++ and using StoreKit1. For now my application using bridge C++/Objective-CPP/Objective-C/Swift. Since StoreKit1 declared "deprecated" got a question of how to implement correctly StoreKit2 in C++ application, mostly everything about Renewable Subscriptions. StoreKit2 have no direct API in Objective-C, it's available only in Swift. Which is the way the best and correct way: -- for on-device writing C library and in it implement Swift? In this case how to add correctly StoreKit2 into library itself? -- for on-device somehow write kind of wrapper for Swift StoreKit 2 within translation of all of objects in Objective-C and implement it with C++/Objective-CPP bridge? In this case how to add correctly StoreKit2 in C++ project written with CMake? Here the one of the examples of interoperability C++/Swift with CMake. But how to use exactly with StoreKit2? -- only using server side solution?
Sep ’24
SKIncludeConsumableInAppPurchaseHistory not working
I've been trying to test if the StoreKit API returns finished consumables when you fetch all transactions. I added the SKIncludeConsumableInAppPurchaseHistory key to my Info.plist I purchased 2 consumables and verified that they show up when you fetch all transactions before I finish them. But when I fetch all transactions after finishing them, it doesn't contain the finished consumables. Has anyone had success with this or is this a bug? I tested using Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) running a macOS Catalyst app on Sonoma 14.7 (23H124). Edit: If I try to get the transaction history using the from my server, I get the transactions back. So it seems like it's a bug on the client side.
Sep ’24
Intermittently Transaction.latest(for:) api returns nil and unverified transaction
We are using method “Transaction.latest(for: productId)” to verify the transaction . Steps to reproduce : Step 1 : User made purchase for productId “product_id_one” Step 2 : “paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction])” api returns successful purchase for product_id_one . func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) { for transaction in transactions { switch transaction.transactionState { case .purchased: let mProductId = transaction.payment.productIdentifier Print(mProductId) // product_id_one .. Step 3: Call “Transaction.latest(for: product_id_one)” api . guard let verificationResult = await Transaction.latest(for: productId) else { // Here some times its returning nil for valid transaction return } switch verificationResult { case .verified(let transaction): // at time its working fine . we are getting verified purchase . // Check the transaction and give the customer access to purchased case .unverified(let transaction, let verificationError): // Here some times its returning unverified for valid transaction } Issue : For valid purchase , Sometimes Transaction.latest(for: productId) api is returning nil and unverified transaction . This is intermittent  issue.
Sep ’24
促销优惠 报错ineligibleForOffer
你好: 以下是我的问题: 问题类型:苹果内功IAP相关问题 问题详情:我想问一下苹果的按月订阅商品设置了“促销优惠”(即在调用支付API时设置了paymentDiscount字段),具体优惠内容为首月免费,这种“促销优惠”优惠形式对首次订阅的账号无效吗?因为首次订阅的账号尝试订阅时会返回ineligibleForOffer错误,导致无法正常订阅,希望得到回复。谢谢
Sep ’24
Clear Purchase History for a Sandbox Apple ID doesn't work
Hello, I'm trying to clear the purchase history made with a sandbox Apple ID on my test device but it does not work. The past purchases are still returned by StoreKit. I've waited many hours but it seems to persist. When I use for await result in Transaction.currentEntitlements { in my app, my non-consumable product is still here. Is it expected? How long should it take to reset the history? Is is supposed to work also for non-consumable products? Thanks Axel
Sep ’24
Query Regarding Applying Discounts to Non-Renewing Subscriptions
Dear Apple Support, I hope this message finds you well. We are currently working on a feature involving the purchase of Non-Renewing Subscriptions within our app. Our business requirement is to offer a single product subscription plan priced at $100, and we would like to introduce a coupon feature that offers a 15% discount, reducing the cost for the end user to $85. We want to ensure that the end user is charged the discounted price at checkout. Could you please advise if there is a recommended approach to implement this discount directly within the subscription purchase flow? Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Sep ’24
StoreKit causes transactions that has already finished to occur again.
■Incident After executing restoreCompletedTransactions and finish a transaction of the StateRestored that occurred, the finished transaction occurred again as StatePurchased. StatePurchasedagain. When this occurred, no functions other thanrestoreCompletedTransactionswere called, the Transaction identifier was the same and only the state changed fromStateRestoredtoStatePurchased`. This is not a subscription renewal or other timing. ■Information I want to get. We are aware that StatePurchased Transactions that have been purchased and finishTransaction in the past will not occur again with updatedTransactions. However, by performing the following steps, a finishTransaction Trasnsaction that has been finishTransaction will occur again. What is the cause of this and how can it be addressed? ■step prepare an App Store account (Sandbox) with a lot of purchase information. In the case of the actual account where the event occurred, there were approximately 70 purchases. The event occurs even if the subscription is still subscribed or the subscription period has ended. The event has been confirmed in both Sandbox and production environments. call restoreCompletedTransactions against SKPaymentQueue. updatedTransactions is called and an array of Transactions is passed over. In this case, the transactionState of all Transactions is StateRestored. when the Transaction passed in 3 is finished for SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions` is called again. Except that in this case, all Transactions have a transactionState of StatePurchased, All properties are identical to those passed in 3, including the transactionIdentifer. However, not all of the array of Transactions passed in 3 is passed, but some of it. (In the actual event, 75 Transactions were passed in 3 and 35 Transactions were passed in 4.)
Sep ’24
Recent update encountered in-app purchase can not normally pull the offer information
I recently submitted an App update, but it was rejected several times, because the free 3-day trial of the subscription product was not displayed, but the app interface advertised the free trial. At present, this subscription product has been approved by AppStore. Previous versions have 3 days of free promotional information appeared. This version was rejected after the update, after local testing found that even if we use the new sandbox test account test, always can not get free 3-day discount information. I then tested other apps that had already been developed and were unable to get the 3-day free offer. However, my application update this time did not change the code logic related to in-app purchase, but the experience optimization of other functions. I guess it is because of the new product conference of Apple on September 10th, and whether Apple's policies and systems have been updated? Since this pop-up interface is StoreKit pop-up, the developer can not do anything about it. I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem as me? I hope relevant developers or technicians can provide technical help, thank you very much!
Sep ’24
Transaction.updates did not receive the recently occurred transaction.
When I purchase a 7-day membership product and kill the app during the purchase, then complete the purchase outside the app, there is a chance that upon reopening the app, I do not receive the transaction from Transaction.updates. but, then I iterate through the Transaction.unfinished queue, I found the transaction. Steps to reproduce: 1.Initiate Purchase: Start purchasing a 7-day membership product within the app. 2.Kill the App: During the purchase process, kill (force close) the app. 3.Complete Purchase Outside the App: Complete the purchase outside of the app (e.g., through an App Store prompt). 4.Reopen the App: Reopen the app after completing the purchase.
Sep ’24
Reponse in blank by "" in spite of passing valid transactionId
Hello, A user subscribed by in-app purchase subscription in the app "Target Leaderboard". We have got the transaction Id and base64 encoded receipt data in response. We can generate the JWT by the In-app purchase key file and key Id. But when we try to fetch all subscriptions by "" by passing the transaction Id, blank response is returned. Why it is happening? Also, when we are try to fetch original transaction Id by "" by passing the base64 encoded receipt data and SharedSecret, code 21003 is returned. Why it is happening? Please help.
Sep ’24
currentEntitlementTask latency and inconsistency
Hi, I have the following implementation for a non-consumable IAP. In the relevant SwiftUI views: currentEntitlementTask(for: "com.example.FullApp") { state in self.appUnlocked = await AppStoreWrapper.shared.appUnlocked(verification: state.transaction) } and AppStoreWrapper: actor AppStoreWrapper { static let shared = AppStoreWrapper() private var updatesTask: Task<Void, Never>? func observeTransactionUpdates() { self.updatesTask = Task { [weak self] in for await update in Transaction.updates { guard let self else { break } await self.process(transaction: update) } } } func process(transaction verificationResult: VerificationResult<Transaction>) async { guard case .verified(let transaction) = verificationResult else { return } if case .nonConsumable = transaction.productType { await transaction.finish() } } func appUnlocked(verification: VerificationResult<Transaction>?) -> Bool{ guard let verification = verification, let transaction = try? verification.payloadValue else { return false } return transaction.revocationDate == nil } } The problem now is that on app launch, there is some latency until some views appear unlocked. It takes around 5 seconds to unlock everything and sometimes some instances of the same view remain to appear locked even after a while. Is this an expected behaviour of currentEntitlementTask? should I store the purchase state somewhere else like UserDefaults to mitigate this latency? I thought that UserDefaults are insecure to store this information, what's the best practice here?
Sep ’24
Product.SubscriptionInfo.Status is empty despite having valid subscription.
I don't know if this is a iOS 18.1 beta bug or some StoreKit server issues but Product.SubscriptionInfo.Status is returning an empty array in production even if the user has a valid subscription that is months away from expiring or renewing. I myself ran into this issue this morning but of course everything is fine in development mode so that makes it quite challenging to debug. Anyone else has this issue?
Sep ’24
Receipt verification issue in production environment
Hello team, It'd be very grateful if you give us some advice for our issue. It's about receipt verification in production environment. Details are as follows. User tried to purchase consumable IAP in production environment. Price is charged for IAP. After that, tried to verify receipt using the receipt of the transaction, but it failed with an error message. "21004 The shared secret you provided does not match the shared secret on file for your account." This error occurs only sometimes, not always. Most of purchase succeeded without this issue. For your reference, we've sold subscription IAP but now stopped to sell subscription IAP since last year. And we've been transferred this app from other iOS team last year. Our iOS developer account have configured both primary shared secret and app-specific shared secret for this app. I've found the similar issue with ours. Thank you. Best regards
Sep ’24
Annual auto renewal subscription wrong year
Hi, I'm developing my first app with in-app purchase and I'm having this problem: a tester in testFlight is buy the auto renewal annual subscription the purchase process ends correctly the expiration date of the receipt has the actual year and not the next one! What I'm wrong? Whay the expiration date isn't 2025 instead of 2024 as aspected? This is the code that verify the receipt: func verifySubscription() -> Bool { guard let receiptData = fetchReceipt() else { return false } do { let receipt = try InAppReceipt.receipt(from: receiptData) let purchases = receipt.purchases for purchase in purchases { if purchase.productIdentifier == productID { if let expirationDate = purchase.subscriptionExpirationDate { UserDefaults.standard.set(expirationDate.formattedStringWithTimeZone(withFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), forKey: K.userDefault.subscriptionExpirationDate) return expirationDate > Date() } } } } catch { } return false } Thanks a lot in advance.
Sep ’24
iOS In-App Purchase works in sandbox and flight test, but was rejected by apple
We recently submitted an update to an existing app that already has an in app purchase for an annual subscription which works perfectly fine. However, the update has been rejected 5 times by Apple stating the in app purchase does not work. We have not made any changes to the update regarding the in app purchase AND the in app purchase works perfectly fine on device testing AND in flight test. Can some one please help? Anyone know what is going on?
Aug ’24
Use of the App Store Server API in a production environment.
When submitting an app, reviewers are aware that they are using the In App Purchase in Sandbox environment. Therefore, we recognize that when processing an app to run the App Store Server API from the app, the production App Store Server API must be run, and if it is a failure, the Snadbox API must be run. As follows. This would result in two http communications, so is there any more efficient way to do this?
Aug ’24