currentEntitlementTask latency and inconsistency


I have the following implementation for a non-consumable IAP.

In the relevant SwiftUI views:

currentEntitlementTask(for: "com.example.FullApp") { state in
    self.appUnlocked = await AppStoreWrapper.shared.appUnlocked(verification: state.transaction)

and AppStoreWrapper:

actor AppStoreWrapper {

    static let shared = AppStoreWrapper()
    private var updatesTask: Task<Void, Never>?
    func observeTransactionUpdates() {
        self.updatesTask = Task { [weak self] in
            for await update in Transaction.updates {
                guard let self else { break }
                await self.process(transaction: update)
    func process(transaction verificationResult: VerificationResult<Transaction>) async {
        guard case .verified(let transaction) = verificationResult else { return }
        if case .nonConsumable = transaction.productType {
            await transaction.finish()
    func appUnlocked(verification: VerificationResult<Transaction>?) -> Bool{
        guard let verification = verification,
        let transaction = try? verification.payloadValue else {
            return false
        return transaction.revocationDate == nil

The problem now is that on app launch, there is some latency until some views appear unlocked. It takes around 5 seconds to unlock everything and sometimes some instances of the same view remain to appear locked even after a while.

Is this an expected behaviour of currentEntitlementTask? should I store the purchase state somewhere else like UserDefaults to mitigate this latency? I thought that UserDefaults are insecure to store this information, what's the best practice here?

currentEntitlementTask latency and inconsistency