Hello, I apologize if this post could be slightly out of forum topic but I have one issue that I cannot solve.
I tried a few times to call Apple support but the only indication that have given to me is to try with this forum.
The issue I have is simple. Sometimes the modifications performed on iCloud Drive on one computer are not properly synced between the local folder /Users/[username]/Library/Mobile Documents/... and the cloud and therefore are not shared across all devices that use the same iCloud Drive.
This is very disturbing as it may lead to a data loss.
I would like to write a simple software that activates the iCloud Drive sync between the local iCloud folder /Users/[username]/Library/Mobile Documents/... and the Cloud.
A simple macOS bash script would be fine but also other pieces of software are welcome.
Can anyone please help me? Thanks! Daniele
There is no API for app developers to force an iCloud Drive synchronization. When using iCloud services, the system decides when to synchronize data.
This is as-designed to better balance the use of system resources and achieve the best overall user experience on the devices. TN3162: Understanding CloudKit throttles provides a bit more background on this topic.
Ziqiao Chen
Worldwide Developer Relations.