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Delve into the physical components of Apple devices, including processors, memory, storage, and their interaction with the software.






Use external camera in background iOS app
Is there a possibility to develop an iOS app that is connected to an external camera connected through lightning or USB-C port and receives video stream. We need to be able to get this video stream even while the app is in the background or if the phone is locked. We could have the camera connected wirelessly through the lightning port. Is there an available library or a sample app featuring such functionalities. Thanks.
Feb ’24
CMMotionManager stops sending gyro updates without calling stopGyroUpdates
I'm trying to create a productivity app that utilizes gyroscope data to detect when the phone is picked up. However, in my code, it seems that after I detect the phone flipping over, gyro updates become unavailable and I start receiving the sentinel value instead, which causes the code to not work properly. What happens is that I will receive gyro updates until faceUp changes value, at which point gyroData becomes unavailable. let dTheta = Double(self.manager.gyroData?.rotationRate.y ?? 0) if dTheta > 0.1 || dTheta < -0.1 { totalRotation = totalRotation + dTheta } tO = Date.now if(totalRotation >= 0.9 || totalRotation <= -0.9) { //Block that detects a phone flip if faceUp == true { faceUp = false } else if faceUp == false { faceUp = true stopText = "Timer paused at \(currentTimeRemaining)" } totalRotation = 0 } guard shouldProceed() else { return } currentTimeRemaining = dispTime(mustRedo: mustRedo) keepScreenOn() let hours = job.hours let mins = job.mins let secs = job.seconds if mins == 0 && hours == 0 { minsDone = true } if secs == 0 && mins == 0 { secsDone = true } if mins == 0 && minsDone == false { job.setHours(new: (hours-1)) job.setMins(new: 59) } if job.seconds == 0 && secsDone == false{ job.setMins(new: (mins-1)) job.setSeconds(new: 59) } if hours == 0 && minsDone == true && secsDone == true { workTimeActive = false //stopTimer() } else { job.setSeconds(new: job.seconds-1) } if manager.isGyroActive == false {print("not active tag 3")} currentTimeRemaining = dispTime(mustRedo: mustRedo) private func keepScreenOn() { UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true } private func shouldProceed() -> Bool{ if faceUp == true { if manager.isGyroActive == false {print("not active tag 4")} return false } return true }
Feb ’24
Information on vibrations harmful to iPhone devices
Hey, I am writing to you on behalf of a startup company that is developing a device to protect iPhone cameras from the negative effects of vibrations, such as those generated while riding a motorcycle. We are currently in the research phase of our project and are seeking information on the specific types of vibrations that can be harmful to iPhone devices. We have found some information that suggests that micro-vibrations with frequencies between 1 and 100 Hz can be particularly damaging. Would you be able to provide us with any additional information on this topic? Any insights you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Feb ’24
Errors when running devicectl to extract diagnostic information from iPhone
I have Xcode 15.1 and iPhone 14 with iOS 17.3. Developer mode is enabled on the iPhone. I am executing the command xcrun devicectl diagnose -k -v I encounter errors when the command is executed (Truncated some output without any errors to be within 7000 char limit) Using verbose logging. Collecting diagnostics from this machine and all nearby devices. You can restrict the list of targeted devices using --devices. This may take several minutes. 5413D57C-7CBD-4F75-94AF-E8AE7CDF2C8C: Adding device results entry for 'iPhone-7675 (iPhone 14)' iPhone-7675 (iPhone 14): Fetch DDI metadata iPhone-7675 (iPhone 14): Starting operation 'Fetch DDI metadata' iPhone-7675 (iPhone 14): Finished 'Fetch DDI metadata'. Results at /private/var/folders/zf/3p2mcxsx6tj36w19yfthy81jxrfr_j/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_devicectl_Hohg2i/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05/5413D57C-7CBD-4F75-94AF-E8AE7CDF2C8C/DDIMetadata.json iPhone-7675 (Connected, iOS 17.3 21D50, 5413D57C-7CBD-4F75-94AF-E8AE7CDF2C8C): Collecting diagnostics iPhone-7675 (iPhone 14): Starting operation 'Gather network state' host: Adding host results entry for 'Host System' Host System: Starting operation 'Gather network state' Host System: Starting operation 'Gather Bonjour adverts' Host System: Starting operation 'Gather CoreDevice defaults' Host System: Starting operation 'Gather RemotePairing defaults' iPhone-7675 (iPhone 14): Gather network state: Failed to spawn binary: The specified operation is not implemented on this device. (com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError error 1.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Host System: Starting operation 'Get CoreDevice version' The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreDevice.ActionError error 2.) NSDebugDescription = This operation cannot be performed on this device. Host System: Finished 'Gather network state'. Results at /private/var/folders/zf/3p2mcxsx6tj36w19yfthy81jxrfr_j/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_devicectl_Hohg2i/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05/host/ifconfig.txt Host System: Starting operation 'Get default Xcode version' Host System: Starting operation 'Get path to the default Xcode install' Host System: Starting operation 'List information about all devices' Host System: Finished 'List information about all devices'. Results at /private/var/folders/zf/3p2mcxsx6tj36w19yfthy81jxrfr_j/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_devicectl_Hohg2i/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05/host/CoreDevice-listDevices.json Host System: Starting operation 'List preferred DDIs for all platforms' Host System: Finished 'Get path to the default Xcode install'. Results at /private/var/folders/zf/3p2mcxsx6tj36w19yfthy81jxrfr_j/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_devicectl_Hohg2i/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05/host/DefaultXcode-path.txt Unable to find preferred DDI for iOS platform: CoreDeviceError(errorCode: 12007, errorUserInfo: ["DDIPlatform": "iOS", "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to find a developer disk image to use for the iOS platform (variants: Internal).", "DDIVariants": ["Internal"]]) Unable to find preferred DDI for tvOS platform: CoreDeviceError(errorCode: 12007, errorUserInfo: ["DDIVariants": ["Internal"], "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to find a developer disk image to use for the tvOS platform (variants: Internal).", "DDIPlatform": "tvOS"]) Unable to find preferred DDI for watchOS platform: CoreDeviceError(errorCode: 12007, errorUserInfo: ["DDIPlatform": "watchOS", "DDIVariants": ["Internal"], "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to find a developer disk image to use for the watchOS platform (variants: Internal)."]) Unable to find preferred DDI for macOS platform: CoreDeviceError(errorCode: 12007, errorUserInfo: ["DDIPlatform": "macOS", "DDIVariants": ["Public"], "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to find a developer disk image to use for the macOS platform (variants: Public)."]) Unable to find preferred DDI for macOS platform: CoreDeviceError(errorCode: 12007, errorUserInfo: ["DDIPlatform": "macOS", "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to find a developer disk image to use for the macOS platform (variants: Internal).", "DDIVariants": ["Internal"]]) Unable to find preferred DDI for visionOS platform: CoreDeviceError(errorCode: 12007, errorUserInfo: ["DDIPlatform": "xrOS", "DDIVariants": ["Public"], "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to find a developer disk image to use for the xrOS platform (variants: Public)."]) Unable to find preferred DDI for visionOS platform: CoreDeviceError(errorCode: 12007, errorUserInfo: ["DDIPlatform": "xrOS", "NSLocalizedDescription": "Unable to find a developer disk image to use for the xrOS platform (variants: Internal).", "DDIVariants": ["Internal"]]) Host System: Finished 'List preferred DDIs for all platforms'. Results at /private/var/folders/zf/3p2mcxsx6tj36w19yfthy81jxrfr_j/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_devicectl_Hohg2i/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05/host/CoreDevice-preferredDDIs.json Host System: Starting operation 'Copy the Core Device database' Copying CoreDevice database Host System: Finished 'Copy the Core Device database'. Results at /private/var/folders/zf/3p2mcxsx6tj36w19yfthy81jxrfr_j/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_devicectl_Hohg2i/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05/host/CoreDevice-db.sqlite Host System: Starting operation 'Copy the DDI version.plists from /Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages' Copying DDI version.plists from /Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages Host System: 'Copy the DDI version.plists from /Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages' failed: The file “DeveloperDiskImages” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file. (NSCocoaErrorDomain error 260.) NSFilePath = /Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages NSURL = file:///Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory (NSPOSIXErrorDomain error 2.) <TRUNCATED> Effective timeout: 3600, remainingTime: 3596, will wait: 3536 seconds Waiting for 1/14 tasks to finish… Pending operations: - Host System: Gather Bonjour adverts Host System: Finished 'Gather Bonjour adverts'. Results at /private/var/folders/zf/3p2mcxsx6tj36w19yfthy81jxrfr_j/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_devicectl_Hohg2i/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05/host/dns-sd.txt Wrote file to /tmp/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05.zip Setting diagnostics destination to '/tmp/devicectl_diagnose_2024_02_20.14-44-05.zip' Captured diagnostics do not include a host sysdiagnose. Please capture one separately. Captured diagnostics do not include a sysdiagnose from any device. Please capture one if relevant to your issue. Command Completed, took 6.333 seconds How to resolve these errors. Additionally I am also not able to see the crash logs in the Xcode, when I go into Windows > Devices and Simulators > Open Recent Logs Thanks!
Feb ’24
Retrieving crash logs from iPhone programatically
I am trying to retrieve the crash logs from the iPhone programatically. The use case is, we are testing many different apps on an iPhone as part of the CI/CD process. As part to this CI/CD process, when an app crashes, we want to retrieve the crash logs from the iPhone and send a notification to the development team with the crash log. So is there a way to extract the crash logs programatically. Also what is the naming convention for a crash log file that is created in an iPhone. Thanks!
Feb ’24
Add eSIM - 'Open Photos' option missing
Hi, would like to check what are the conditions for the 'Open Photos' option to appear under 'Settings' &gt; 'Mobile Service' &gt; 'add eSIM'. It was available previously roughly a few weeks ago but now it is missing. I have cross-checked this with friends and colleagues who are on &gt;iOS 17 and some have that option available. Personally using iOS 17.4. Screenshot below.
Feb ’24
"This phone number is already in use with another account"
Id apple phone number "This phone number is already in use with another account" I have recently purchased an iPhone and I can not add my phone number to my Apple ID, in fact, it tells me that my number is already in use in another Apple ID account. Since I had already created an Apple ID many years ago, I was able to access it and request the deletion of the old account so that I could later enter my phone number into the new Apple ID. The problem is that the error persists, not allowing me to use iMessage and FaceTime. What can I do? Thanks for your attention. [Personal Information Edited by Moderator]
Feb ’24
iPad Pro 12.9 6th Generation, wrong resolution from navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia()
Hello, I've been developing a web app which I need the front camera and need to take a picture at a higher resolution. But I have one issue. When I call navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() in the browser to get the resolution of the camera, it shows it as 2052 x 2736. But it's a 12 MP front camera. I take a picture of myself using the camera app on the iPad and it shows 12 MP picture. The back camera reports it fine. You can also test it out on webcamtests.com to see the resolution.
Feb ’24
I need some general Core Motion advice
I'm building a physical therapy app and as part of it, I want the app to oversee and measure certain exercises that the user will do. I'm not sure if I should use Core Motion, location services, or something else. These are the specific things we want to measure: The user walks for 6 minutes. At the end of it, we tell them how far they walked. The user runs for 30 seconds. We tell them their average speed and peak speed. The user does a broad jump: basically just jumping forward as far as they can. We want to measure the distance jumped. I'm thinking location services might work for #1 but I doubt it will be accurate enough for #2. For #3 I thought I could do this with the accelerometer if I took readings at short intervals and combined them with something like the trapezoidal rule, but I can't get this to produce a reliable result. Let me know what you think, thanks.
Feb ’24
Apple TV 4K (HDMI + WIFI ONLY) cannot prepare into MDM
Hello, my company ordered Apple TV 4K HDMI + WIFI only.. The device has no ethernet or USB-C port. Only has HDMI and power port. I read on Apple's website to connect to Apple configurator I have to do it via WIFI. I followed the steps from the Apple website (https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/apple-configurator-2/cada1ba9dab1/mac) but once I'm paired to the Apple TV and I try to "Prepare" in Apple configurator to get the device setup on MDM it tells me the AppleTV device is already prepared and asks to "Erase" which I do then the Apple TV is back to the beginning setup screen and no longer connected to WIFI... Once I run through the setup again and get back on WIFI and goto pair screen it says the same thing when I try to prepare again.. Just going in circles and not getting anywhere.. Anyone have a solution? Prepare Apple TV HD or Apple TV 4K using Wi-Fi or Ethernet Make sure your Apple TV is connected to the same network your Mac is connected to. Make sure the Apple TV is at the first screen of the Setup Assistant that says Pair Your Remote. Launch Apple Configurator 2 . From the Apple Configurator 2 menu, choose Paired Devices. Select your Apple TV in the Paired Devices list, then click Pair. Enter the six-digit personal identification number (PIN) that appears on the screen of your Apple TV. Select your Apple TV in the device window of the Apple Configurator 2. Click Prepare and follow the onscreen instructions to set up your Apple TV.
Feb ’24
Question regarding longevity
As I am currently in development of an App for iOS, I also need a Mac. Currently, I am working on the Mac of my girlfriend. But, it turns out that I need a newer version of XCode which is not supported on Monterey. I also can't update Mac OS since it is not supported on this hardware anymore (also can't do it on her machine - it's hers). Long story short, I am now in the process of getting my own Mac. Unfortunately, I am not really familiar with the different Macs out there and wanted to know about longevity or longterm support of these machines regarding OS Updates. I want to be able to update also in the next cycles. As I do not have too much Budget, I wanted to find a refurbished one, but one that still supports OS Updates for a while so that I do not have the same situation next year and have a machine then which also can't update XCode/Mac OS. Is there anything you would recommend?
Feb ’24
IOs simulator Vs my personal iPhone
hi everyone does anyone understand this issues below ? What to do or change in my code when this appear my code is over more than 20 swift file I don't know which one to share lol dyld[1060]: Symbol not found: _$s21DeveloperToolsSupport17UVPreviewRegistryCMn Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/ACD0F0D4-CAF4-4101-BFC0-3990E29F316E/MyPmV1.app/MyPmV1 Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/DeveloperToolsSupport.framework/DeveloperToolsSupport
Feb ’24
PKDrawing.image crashes on iOS 17 (EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000210)
In 2 days we have observed in Crashlytics over 50 crashes related to PKDrawing.image with EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000210 So far all on iPads with A10, A12 and A13; 100% on iOS 17 (17.1.1, 17.2, 17.3) (while in others the percent of iOS 17 was around 60-80%). Context: Images of the varying frame and scale resulting in screen resolution are being generated sequentially (in a background serial queue called almost one after another when requested), updating one CALayer.contents (and only after this update on Main Thread the next generation is allowed). One zoomable PKCanvasView is present on screen. The crashing line in code: let image = drawing.image(from: frame, scale: renderScale).cgImage The questions: Is there anything that can be done apart from throttling generation? Can the circumstances of the crash be determined – are there any indications accessible in code before calling PKDrawing.image that app might crash? The traces: 0 AGXMetalA12 AGX::BlitContext<AGX::G11::Encoders, AGX::G11::Classes, AGX::G11::ObjClasses>::copyTextureToBuffer(IOGPUMetalResource const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, AGXA12FamilyTexture*, unsigned int, unsigned int, MTLOrigin, MTLSize, unsigned long) + 96 9 PencilKit PKDrawing.image(from:scale:) + 28 0 AGXMetalA13 <redacted> + 96 9 PencilKit PKDrawing.image(from:scale:) + 28 0 AGXMetalA10 <redacted> + 72 9 PencilKit $s9PencilKit9PKDrawingV5image4from5scaleSo7UIImageCSo6CGRectV_12CoreGraphics7CGFloatVtF + 24
Feb ’24