In-App purchase free product - You must select valid price for your price change

I have an in-app (Non-Consumable) with hosted conten. All these days i has set its price as $0 (FREE), but now i updated the title and trying to save it, i am getting an error as "You must select valid price for your price change". I changed it to $0.99 and saved it works fine. But i want my app to be FREE.

Please help me how to reset it back to $0.

Has Apple removed $0 price on in-app purchase???



Answered by Aaru in 290354022

Thanks guys...

Apple has fixed it now :-)

I had raised this issue calling their custome care number and logged a ticket.

Today morning i got an officially email saying issue has fixed.

Thanks for the info. Looks like the issue is resolved now. I was also able to update IAP this morning.

The issue is resolved for me now. I was able to update IAP this morning.

Were you able to see a "$0.00 Free" tier? I still don't see it....

still i am not seeing it. :-(

even in their pricingMatrix chart also they have removed the first row which had 0 tire

any one remember Apple saying about these changes in any of their 'WWDC 2017' sessions related to in-app? usually Apple anounces in WWDC sessions if they are doing such changes and gives heads up to developers...

Ok, now I'm seeing Tier 0 again, but I'm still getting `You must select valid price for your price change.` when trying to save...

Free tier is back! ....but pretty much back where we started... still getting the "You must select a valid price" error... progress, I guess?

I'm beginning to wonder if legalising cannabis in California was such a good idea....

I was just able to set a product to Tier 0. It looks like its finally fixed.

Me too. All working fine now.

Indeed working for $0.00 Free Tier... anyone notice prices have changed? No more $0.99, but $1.19/$2.39/$3.59...etc...?

:-) i safari i saw 1.19, 2.39... but i switched to chrome browser and now i am seeing .0.99, 1.99 etc..

looks like cache issue...reset your browser..

Accepted Answer

Thanks guys...

Apple has fixed it now :-)

I had raised this issue calling their custome care number and logged a ticket.

Today morning i got an officially email saying issue has fixed.

In-App purchase free product - You must select valid price for your price change