In-App purchase free product - You must select valid price for your price change

I have an in-app (Non-Consumable) with hosted conten. All these days i has set its price as $0 (FREE), but now i updated the title and trying to save it, i am getting an error as "You must select valid price for your price change". I changed it to $0.99 and saved it works fine. But i want my app to be FREE.

Please help me how to reset it back to $0.

Has Apple removed $0 price on in-app purchase???



Answered by Aaru in 290354022

Thanks guys...

Apple has fixed it now :-)

I had raised this issue calling their custome care number and logged a ticket.

Today morning i got an officially email saying issue has fixed.

Ummm...I also face the same problem

I escelated with Apple, they requested me to do a screen recording of the issue and send it to them as if they are not aware of this issue.

I sent the screen recording and i am waiting for there response.

But mean while i was able to set it back to $0 by doing little hack :-).

Instead of updating the price tire in the itunesconnect website, use command line tool 'iTMSTransporter', set the metadata and the price and upload it via command line using 'iTMSTransporter' command.

Same problem... occurs when setting up a new Product ID or attempting to change existing item to $0.00 (Free)...

I face the exact same problem, hope Apple fixes this bug soon.

Same here. Hope this gets resolved ASAP.

For the record the way to do it with iTMS transporter is detailed here:

I have the same problem trying to create new paid IAP. Please get it fixed Apple!

Me too. I'm adding new items in my sandbox and I just can't add because of this.

i also face this problem 😟(

Same problem here. Happening when trying to create a new in-app purchase or editing the price of an existing one.

Great thanks for the iTMSTransporter tip. Actually didn't knew about it, and now.... I'm dreaming of never having to set up leaderboards in ItunesConnect gui 🙂

Jan 17, Still same issue, unable to do any changes or to create new in-apps

Same problem for me! Any update about this?


I'm getting this too, I'm not even trying to change the price, I'm just changing review screenshot.

Same here, can't edit/set any price tiers in IAP. Please resolve ASAP

Same here! Please fix ASAP!

In-App purchase free product - You must select valid price for your price change