Does APFS work with Fusion Drives?

I seem to remember it didn't when first introduced with Sierra. Has that be fixed with High Sierra?

I remember reading in the release notes that it doesn't support Fusion drive yet.

It has issues with the 3TB HDD - I have at last got my 2 x iMAC 27" 5K working with AFPS on the 1.2TB Fusion Drives - Took over 3hrs to install

My iMac 5K with 1TB Fusiuon drive runs on APFS. It´s still very slow, because some background taks are eating all I/Os, but it´s running.

I installed MacOs High Sierra on iMac 27 with Fusion Drive and at the end of the installation two drives appeared. A 128 GB SSD and a 1TB hard drive. The system was very slow. Too slow. I deleted both disks and with Terminal commands restore the Fusion Drive. Today I will install High Sierra MacOs without AFPS. I will continue to use HFS +.

Ditto with my 3T Fusion and slow IO

I installed High S. on Mac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015) with 1T Fusion Drive. The Fusion Drive shows up as Flash storage.

running very slow. I messed up because i was excitied and did not check about AFPS. Now what? I cloned my Sierra Drive. Is there any other way, then to delete the Fusion Drive?

then clone the clone back to fusion drive then install High Sierra again. I don't remember having a choice, AFPS came up when I installed over top of Sierra. Geese!


Does anyone know if Fusion changes under APFS. I’ve tried to find more information but from what I have read it caches meta data, read and write back cache.

I am not sure if this on top of optimizing system files or instead of optimizing system files.

The optimization would appear when using app nap, searching in spotlight, or traversing your file system. Wish I had more information...

How were you able to get it to work? Did you do anything special? I have a 2010 MacBook Pro with 1 TB Fusion Drive that is not converting.

I tried it on my 1TB one, but ran into problems after a few days:

Though I am note sure if the linked problem is exclusively related to Fusion drives.

I used the inline APFS conversion during the public beta HS install without issues. I installed on my DIY Fusion drive running on a mid 2012, 15" non-retina, MBP with 16GB Ram and an INTEL 520 SSD / WD Black HDD (180GB/750GB). I have my SSD overprovisioned an additional 13% so as to have 20% of the 180GB unallocated (space to allow for wear leveling). I have the HDD running two partitions, one as part of the Fusion drive, the other as a sandbox partition formatted with HFS+. While I was pleased that the public beta conversion worked as advertised, I was expecting a disaster.

I will concur that at this point APFS is NOT a speed demon but I blame all the debug code still running in the beta. It is usable just slower than normal. Little things like the initial launching of background apps on boot that used to literally happen within one or two seconds of boot are now taking upto a minute or so to complete. The lag time is not consistent but still a general sluggishness to file related activities.

I converted my 3TB Fusion drive in beta 8, no problems. External drives were an issue, I had to do them at the command line in diskutil.

When I was installing beta 2 or 3 initially it did convert 2 TB Fusion drive on my 5k iMac to APFS. It was working and I didn't notice any slowdowns. However, later I found out that there's an issue with sleep mode: after an hour or so, presumably when the system enters "deep sleep" mode aka hibernate and tries to write memory image to disk, something goes wrong and iMac finishes up displaying flashing folder on the screen (which indicates no boot drive). There's no way to wake the computer when this happens, but restart goes without issues.

I had to restore back to HPFS.

Same mav and same result with flashing question mark

I would like some confirmation from someone at apple i have read somewhere that fusion drive that are on APFS from the beta's are not able to install the GM or later, they will need to be regresed

I have no info on this and it may be totaly wrong if it is then accept my apology

FYI with the flashing cursor trouble i have reverted to sierra untill the GM comes out as mine went in full on fans and a hot casing , its ok on sierra sleeps like a baby should :-)

Same here, Fusion 1,2TB upgraded to APFS on iMac 5K, but I also read that we would be required to revert to HFS+... (Sorry in French, could not find it officially yet Really dont want to spend another night downgrading... to update again some weeks later :/

I have an early 2011 MBP with an SSD, and a late 2013 iMac with 3Tb Fusion drive and 32Gb RAM.

I had run all the High Sierra betas on both machines with no trouble. My drives were converted to APFS in the process.

High Sierra installed perfectly on my MBP on APFS.

Before installing the official Final non-Beta version of High Sierra on my iMac's Fusion drive, I followed Apple's instructions for Fusions, and converted my drive back to HFS+ .

I then downloaded the HSierra install from Appstore and attempted to install it. No joy.

I spent around 8 hours attempting to do this and attempting to get my machine to work. I used internet recovery, USB OS Installs, everything that I knew of.

On several occasions I got the NO ENTRY sign on my screen. On ONE occasion I got an Apple Support 1007F error message.

So even though I followed Apple's instructions about converting my drive BACK to HFS+, High Sierra still won't install.

Turns out that there is a recognized issue with High Sierra on 3Tb drives, even when converted back to HFS+.

Nothing much that I can find specifically about this 3Tb Fusion anomaly on Apple pages, just on other forums.

Luckily, eventually, I managed to reinstall LOW Sierra on my iMac. And it's going to have to stay like that for a while.

In order to stop thinking about it, I have adopted an image of the Adirondacks for my desktop background. So as far as I'm concerned, Apple, until you solve this 3Tb anomaly, I'm running OSX Adirondacks as a protest.


Does APFS work with Fusion Drives?