Live Caller ID Extension Asset validation failed when uploading to TestFlight

I’m encountering a problem with my iOS app with new Live Caller ID extension when uploading to TestFlight. Here’s what's happening:

When I try to upload the app to TestFlight without the NSExtensionPrincipalClass, I get the following error:

Missing Info.plist values. No values for NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass found in extension Info.plist for

However, if I include the NSExtensionPrincipalClass in the Info.plist of my extension, the app fails to launch on both the dev build and through TestFlight. The error message I receive is:

bar.appex with id <bundle_id> defines either an NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass key, which is not allowed for the extension point

Has anyone experienced a similar issue? How to fix it?

Live Caller ID Extension Asset validation failed when uploading to TestFlight