Unable to accept new developer program license agreement


This is crazy. I just wanted to update my app, but I need to accept the apple developer program licence agreement:

The updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement needs to be reviewed.

In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps to the App Store, the user with the Legal role (Team Agent) must review and accept the updated agreement in their account on the developer website.

Yes, I searched the forum. No, I do not have to accept anything in itunes connect (banking, contratcs..) - there is a master agreement still active. Nothing to add there.
I have a red banner in my account and I can review the agreement. But there is nothing in the agreement or below to say: "Yes, I accept it"

What is the problem?

Many thanks to the community.

This is very weird. I am account holder and using the same apple ID to login but still can't see the accept button. I have disabled Adblocker, using safari and also unchecked cross site from privacy in safari. still the problem persists.

Having this issue as well

I am having same issue, there seems to be no way to accept the agreement

Also having this issue. Things like this "should just work".

We have the same problem now. Was someone able to solve the problem via email with the Apple team? How long did it take?

We accepted the new agreement on December 14th. Unfortunately, the App Store Connect system did not notice this. Now it is not possible to update the apps.

I'm having the same issue as well. I can't update my apps even though I accepted the new agreement on December 13th.

Same issues here. Accepted on 14th December already. Tried everything: Cache&Cookies delete, different browsers, unchecked 'prevent cross-site...' in Safari.

Nothing. Wrote to support. Baack came a general, generic answer, basically saying "I have to accept that!".

Really Apple?

Unfortunately, we also received a standard response from support: "You have to accept the agreement." But there is nothing to accept. The users are still waiting for the apps to be updated. There is no solution in sight.

The second Apple employee was able to help me via email. I was able to agree to the agreement and update the app. It took two days with the email support. In the time of the holidays it is a good response time in my opinion. Thanks to the Apple team for the quick help.

Same here unable to notarize a package until I can find this agreement which It says I need to accept, my account is admin (not this account obviously), so I cannot actually change "role". Will also have to send a ticket off on Monday.

I got the same issue here, nothing to accept.

To accept this agreement, they must have already accepted the latest version of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement in their account on the developer website.

After I accepted the agreement I had to open Preferences in Xcode and navigate to Accounts to trigger a refresh of my status and make my builds work again. Definitely really frustrating.

Just Go to This Page and accept the new agreement


Visit tv.apple.com, Sign in,

After signing in, the license agreement should pop up, accept it and you're good to go.

I've just found a solution . Here are the steps I did :

For anybody here in future. Ran into same issue. I had new year of membership & had already accepted agreement in apple.developer.

For some reason navigating to devices > removing any unused devices seemed to fix my issue & allowed me to accept the agreement in app store connect. Essentially, fix the banner in your devices section & it updated my banner in the agreements section to allow me to actually review.

For me, to resolve this, I just had to follow the second warning's link on https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/:

Unable to accept new developer program license agreement