iOS 17.2 breaking AppIntents and shortcuts

I have an app that relies heavily on AppIntents and Shortcuts and it seems like the latest iOS update broke those but I can't quite figure out what's the issue. The is that no matter what parameter I pick, when running the shortcut it always uses the defaultResult()

Here's an example AppEntity:

struct IntentBrokerAppEntity: AppEntity {
    static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Intent Broker")

    @Property(title: "Name")
    var name: String?

    @Property(title: "Ip")
    var ip: String?

    @Property(title: "Port")
    var port: String?

    @Property(title: "Username")
    var username: String?

    @Property(title: "Password")
    var password: String?

    @Property(title: "Tls")
    var tls: Bool?

    struct IntentBrokerAppEntityQuery: EntityQuery {
        func entities(for identifiers: [IntentBrokerAppEntity.ID]) async throws -> [IntentBrokerAppEntity] {
            return try await suggestedEntities().filter { identifiers.contains($ }

        func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [IntentBrokerAppEntity] {
            let context = PersistenceController.shared.viewContext
            let brokerService = BrokerService(context: context)
            return brokerService.getFavorites().map { IntentBrokerAppEntity(broker: $0) }
        func defaultResult() async -> IntentBrokerAppEntity? {
            try? await suggestedEntities().first
    static var defaultQuery = IntentBrokerAppEntityQuery()

    var id: String // if your identifier is not a String, conform the entity to EntityIdentifierConvertible.
    var displayString: String
    var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation {
        DisplayRepresentation(title: "\(displayString)")

This used to work perfectly fine before 17.2, but now instead of choosing the entity the user picked it always falls back to defaultEntity().

In the console I get this warning

Failed to build EntityIdentifier. IntentBrokerAppEntity is not a registered AppEntity identifier

But I'm not sure if that's related. Does anyone have any ideas on what's going on here? Input much appreciated!

This is happening to me as well -- I just submitted FB13474182 to track it.

This is also happening in my app!

Hey! I am facing this exact issue too! Have you managed to find a fix?

iOS 17.2 breaking AppIntents and shortcuts