Screenshots - Changing Device Order

Hi all

I am sure that this is something obvious that I am missing but I would really appreciate a bit of help.

In our App Store listing, the screenshots appear as a default under 'iPad' first, then followed by iPhone. The description also defaults to 'Designed for iPad'. Is there a simple way to change this so that we can show iPhone first?

Also, simply for my on-going reference and knowledge, why would the listing default to iPad before iPhone?

Many thanks to all.

In our App Store listing,

Do you access Appstore with iPhone or iPad ? From iPad, you see only iPad screens ; from iPhone, only iPhone"s.

Could you show a screenshot. Is in in the appstore itself or in AppstoreConnect ?

How did you define "Supported destinations" ?

Sorry - I must be having a 'brain off' day, but where would one find that? I don't appear to have to have it :(

Hello, are there any updates on this? In our case, we support both iPhone and iPad. We have screenshots for both, but we want the iPhone tab to be the default. Currently, the iPad tab is set as the default. We previously had Mac (Designed for iPad) under Supported Destinations. We removed it a few days ago, but we still see the iPad tab as the default. I'm wondering if this change takes time to be reflected on the page. Thanks.

Screenshots - Changing Device Order