Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?

Running the sample "Juice" app, which demos the Sign In With Apple flow, doesn't seem to work with Xcode 12 beta and iOS 14 beta on the simulator (worked fine on the non-beta versions and on a real device with iOS 14 beta).

Once the password for the device's Apple ID is entered, the wheel in the password field just keeps spinning. No error messages and nothing handed back over to the app from the ASAuthorizationController.

Anyone else seeing this problem ? Are there any workarounds ?
Same issue

Xcode - 12.0.1
All simulators running ios 14.

How exactly is this issue being ignored when apps are being rejected from the store because we're now forced to add sign in with apple yet while in development we have to deal with this. It took me a full day of debugging to realize this was not my issue but an issue with the simulator itself.......
Same issue here. Wait animation keeps spinning. Looks like authentication is happening as the continue button briefly grey's out and then becomes active again. Also if we enter incorrect passwords its shakes the password box, proving that authentication is working but its just not dismissing the view controller.
Sadly, Apple is rejecting our app due to this bug in simulator.

Version 12.1 (940.16)
SimulatorKit 597.13
CoreSimulator 732.17
iOS 14.2
Apple finally approved the update i had. I refereed to this thread with a small explanation on what's going on
same issue

Xcode 12.1
iOS 14.1
For anyone having this issue,
  1. ) Can you access the following menu in the simulator?

Settings -> Apple ID -> Password & Security.

I see 'Account Details Unavailable' alert dialog, when I attempt to do so.
  1. ) Are you using Sandbox Apple ID account (created from or real Apple ID account?


I've tried existing IDs, newly created IDs and test IDs on Simulators. None of them work.

Even before using 'Sign in with Apple' with your app the Accounts Settings fail as you mention. It doesn't seem to matter which ID I use with the simulator, that settings option always fails on OS14.1
Also seeing this issue (stuck at wheel spinning for password) for real and test IDs on Simulator for iOS 14.1. It seems this issue has not been address/resolved in 4 months. Is there any way to escalate this in the Development Tools team?
Same issue with 14.2 and 12.2. This is blocking me from being productive. Can someone from Apple please respond here? This issue is not new and it's a big deal.
any update on this? this is frustrating
Still having this problem, it does work on iOS 13.5 with the simulator though.
Still having the same issue here, is there any update? :(
Any update on this? Every app I have getting rejected on the app store because of this.
I hate to speculate, but this was working with iOS 14, just before WWDC2020. Then they announced a security vulnerability that was discovered with sign-in with Apple and the keychain, and immediately following that announcement, the simulator Sign-In with Apple would just hang with an infinite spinner. Others have reported that the TFA is the culprit, so perhaps there is something to that and the backdoor that they discovered. Let's hope they figure out a way to patch it up.

Edit: Please upvote this...
Still not working! Do the Apple Developers sleep the whole day?
Xcode 12.2: same for Simulator iOS 14.2, but works in Simulators with iOS 13.5 or 13.7.

If anyone getting trouble with iOS 13 like me, here is checklist. In any case:
  • "Sign in with Apple" capability must be enabled in Xcode

  • "Sign in with Apple" capability must be enabled for the bundle id (from

  • Provisioning profile must be re-downloaded and set for signing, if using manual code signing

Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?