




ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider() hang in async method
I have a bit of a tricky severe hang in my app launch processing code path. Here is the detail: I have a .task modifier from the main ContentView that calls into the signInWithAppleManager.checkUserAuth method, which is marked async. I've tried wrapping the offending line in a Task block to get it off of the main thread, but it still hangs, and is still running on the main thread. Ironically, I found the hang after watching "Analyze Hangs With Instruments" from WWDC 23. However, at the point in the video towards the end where he discusses shared singletons, he mentions resolving a similar issue by making the shared singleton async, and then skips over how he would do it, kind of seemingly presenting a gap in analysis and debugging, while also explaining idle state ... kind of more irony. Thanks in advance! Task { let appleIDProvider = ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider() Is there anything else that I can do to resolve this? Here is the code: public class SignInWithAppleManager: ObservableObject { @Published public private(set) var userAuthenticationState: AuthState = .undefined public static let shared = SignInWithAppleManager() private init() { } func signOutUser() async { KeychainItem.deleteUserIdentifierFromKeychain() await SignInWithAppleManager.shared.updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: .signedOut) } @MainActor func userAuthenticated() async { self.userAuthenticationState = .signedIn } @MainActor func userSignedOut() async { self.userAuthenticationState = .undefined } func simulateAuthenticated() async -> Bool { return false } public var isAuthenticated: Bool { return self.userAuthenticationState == .signedIn } @MainActor func updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: AuthState) async { debugPrint("Current authstate: \(self.userAuthenticationState) New auth state: \(authState)") self.userAuthenticationState = authState } public func checkUserAuth() async -> AuthState { debugPrint(#function) //completion handler defines authstate if KeychainItem.currentUserIdentifier == "" || KeychainItem.currentUserIdentifier == "simulator" { debugPrint("User identifier is empty string") await updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: .undefined) //userid is not defined in User defaults bc empty, something went wrong } else { await updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: .signedIn) } if await !self.simulateAuthenticated() { // HERE: ‼️ hangs for 2 seconds let appleIDProvider = ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider() // HERE: ‼️ hangs for 2 seconds do { let credentialState = try await appleIDProvider.credentialState(forUserID: KeychainItem.currentUserIdentifier) switch credentialState { case .authorized: debugPrint("checkUserAuth:authorized") // The Apple ID credential is valid. Show Home UI Here await updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: .signedIn) break case .revoked: debugPrint("checkUserAuth:revoked") // The Apple ID credential is revoked. Show SignIn UI Here. await updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: .undefined) break case .notFound: debugPrint("checkUserAuth:notFound") // No credential was found. Show SignIn UI Here. await updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: .signedOut) break default: debugPrint("checkUserAuth:undefined") await updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: .undefined) break } } catch { // Handle error debugPrint("checkUserAuth:error") debugPrint(error.localizedDescription) await updateUserAuthenticationState(authState: .undefined) } } return self.userAuthenticationState } }
Jun ’23
Safari Web App and iOS App
We understand that SF is the native font, and that symbols are part the overall look and feel of the Apple system, and that some symbols are reserved for specific features. With these constraints in mind, we do not wish to implement SF symbols in any way as to misrepresent Apple's existing products or features. Is it possible to use SF symbols in an iOS app and web app targeting Safari? It seems this would be relatively straight forward, and should be important to communicate design language properly across apps. Otherwise, there will be some confusion.
Jun ’22