Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?

Running the sample "Juice" app, which demos the Sign In With Apple flow, doesn't seem to work with Xcode 12 beta and iOS 14 beta on the simulator (worked fine on the non-beta versions and on a real device with iOS 14 beta).

Once the password for the device's Apple ID is entered, the wheel in the password field just keeps spinning. No error messages and nothing handed back over to the app from the ASAuthorizationController.

Anyone else seeing this problem ? Are there any workarounds ?
Xcode Version 12.3 (12C33),
Simulator Version 12.3 (940.20),
tested in iPhone 12 Max simulator with iOS 14.2 and 14.3 and the bug still occurs.
On the physical devices with iOS 14.2 and 14.3 works perfectly fine.

I've experienced the bug with my own app and example Juice app.

How to upload an app to the AppStore if sign in with Apple is the only authentication method? Does Apple really expect us to build alternative login path just for the review process to work around a bug in their own official authentication method?

Please, provide any status. Do you know the cause? What is the plan? When can we expect this to be fixed? How should we proceed while waiting for the fix?
What else I've checked:

1. Not using Touch ID on the physical device

I removed all my fingers' scans on the physical device to confirm that sign in with Apple ID using code still works. (At first, I thought I would be asked for a password, to have the exact same scenario like on the simulator. However, without touch ID, sign in still worked.)

2. Sign up to the app for the first time

In the I removed my app from the list of authenticated apps and after that I tried to sign up with Apple ID in the simulator. Didn't work.

3. Hide email / share email

I followed all possible routes there and neither worked. (I assume it has no impact, I just wanted to confirm).

4. Leaving the activity indicator in the password input overnight

In that sense, it's not a matter of time...

5. Check in (via browser) if there are no terms & conditions waiting for acceptance

Nope. I've read somewhere that it was the case for some folks with test apple IDs accounts. However, I use my day-to-day Apple ID so all terms are already accepted.
Are there any updates on this issue? I'm experiencing the same thing on ios14, and have tried a number of different approaches to try to resolve with no luck.
Found this in simulator system log:

Code Block
AuthKitUIService[58270]: assertion failed: 19G2021 18A372: libxpc.dylib + 51172 [16262110-9F40-30DC-BDCB-5F794AC8D7FA]: 0x7d

I am having this issue with xcode version 12.3 (12C33) and ios 14.3 on the simulator. Any update yet?
Wow, it's incredible that Apple still haven't fixed this issue. I'm seeing it on the iOS 14.4 simulator on XCode 12.4. Come on Apple!
this will only occur in simulator on real device its working fine but make sure your xcode version is up to 12

Come on Apple, what a shame...

You enforce developers to implement that sign-in with rules whose rigidity borders on absurdity without not even providing tools to test it correctly.

I assume I should buy an iPhone as a fix?
Over 200 more emoji coming in the next version of iOS but this issue remains for 8 months. Oh, how far have you fallen Apple?
I have been stuck on this for about a week now. I thought this was an issue with my MacOS version and/or Xcode version, however it is actually an issue with the simulator version.

With that in mind, I was able to download iOS 13.0 simulators and deploy the Juice app there as a workaround.
Its still not working, what a bad joke Apple!

The funny thing is: Apps get rejected by Apple because Sign in not working properly 😂
Xcode 12.3 simulator running 14.2, same issue.
With the same issue my app was rejected by Apple today. sign in works with real devices iPhone 8, iPhone 12 mini, iPad pro 4th gen. How is this possible, that till now with so much same bug app review rejections, Apple review team did not figured that out, that this a Xcode simulator bug?
It's still not working, what a bad joke Apple!

=> xcode 12.4
=> IOS 14 (on all simulator devices)

NOTE: sign in works with real devices
Good news, my app has passed the review after my request to review team to test my app on real device. Many thanks to review team.
Same here, 8 month later, still not fixed. Wanted to try real_user_status on iOS 13/14 to handle differently in my back-end, but I'm blocked at this point.
For 6 months I have not been able to publish my app to the App Store due to this error "AuthorizationError error 1000".

If I test the app on a real device with iOS 14.4 and it doesn't work, the error keeps appearing. But if I test the app in a simulator with iOS 13.7 and it works.

What am I overlooking to get it to work on a real device with iOS 14?

I thank you in advance for the help you can give me.
Same problem here
Same here :[
Oh, for crying out loud, Apple! What is this?
Another half-baked feature, as if we didn't get enough of these already (SwiftUI, Mac Catalyst, Xcode previews, ...).

The quicker developers understand that Apple no longer care about you, the quicker you will go and develop on Android. To completely ignore developers with issues like this shows us that Apple does not care about anything but money. It is another perfect example of how Apple keep throwing untested, not fit for purpose software out the door and building more technical debt than they can feasibly deal with.

Simply put, stop posting here because Apple just don't care.

I'm having the same issue.

It's quite frustrating and disappointing.

My app is being rejected because Apple Sign In is a requirement for App Store submissions with other 3rd party sign ins; yet Apple Sign in is unresponsive. So there seems to be no way forward.

It's rubbish and a huge waste of my time. Hard to look at Apple the same way.
Application is rejected for this reason and can't do anything about it. It seems like it's working on iOS 13 simulator but it's not possible to run simulator on iOS 13 on ARM chips.

Don't know what to do.
This issue seems to persist in Version 12.4 (12D4e). It's blocking the resolution of a bug with Sign In With Apple as well. The upload options here only allow for text, so it'd be great if you could specify which logs exactly you need from the commands suggested above. If anyone is in fact paying attention.
I'm still seeing this issue with Xcode 12.5 and iOS 14.5. Anyone found a workaround that is not use iOS 13?
Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?