IOS 14 WiFi

Anyone experiencing issues with IOS 14 and wifi connectivity?
I've got a 10XS and have NO luck with keeping a consistent WiFi signal (on iOS 14.4 now). What I'm wondering is if the newer phones (i.e. 12's) are having this problem? This is ridiculous and for someone who relies on WiFi inside their house because cellphone coverage is horrible, this is a major issue. I actually bought a new router hoping it might help... nope. Awesome times.
I have ios14.3 on my iPhone 8 and iPad but only have WiFi problems on the iPad. Tried various fixes. Private Address switched off worked better for a while but it’s problematic again. Updating to 14.4 now so see how that goes.
iPhone 11 on iOS 14.4 ... every now and then Wi-Fi disconnects and when I try to rejoin I get the message “unable to join the network...”. This happens ONLY with 5ghz. 2.4 ghz is fine: when 5ghz disconnects I can either switch to 2.4 GHz or, if I really want 5ghz and ac, I can cycle Wi-Fi connection (on-off-on) and I can connect again. Noticed this issue also on 14.3. Looks like a software issue and it’s really frustrating to see that many have this problem and nothing is done by Apple (I believe that almost everyone on iOS 14 has it but simply only the ones that pay attention to this kind of things are likely to notice)
I have this problem on two phones an iPhone 12Max Pro and an iPhone SE 2020, I also had it on my previous iPhone 7 Plus. I can be using my MacBook on the same Wi-Fi at the same time and only the phones have a problem. A quick switch off of my Wi-Fi on the phone and back on a connection is fine again. My daughter also experience the same problem on her IPhones at her home. Apple need to do something as it is obviously a problem with the way Apple check the quality of the Wi-Fi connection.
I am also having problems with WIFI. Had iPhone 8 with ios 14.3 it would say its connected to WIFI but was unable to load web pages. Just upgraded to iPhone 12 pro and still having the same problems. I can get it to work and be able to load web pages but as soon as I leave the house or even just lock and unlock my phone doesn't work anymore. I've double checked security settings on my router, checked firmware updates on router, hard reboot on the router, manually assigned IP addresses to my phones, reset network settings, turning off various WIFI settings nothing is helping. I also have multiple other devices in the house that have no problem connecting and using WIFI, Macbook, surface pro, xbox.
Yessss definitely have an issue on WiFi connectivity.. it’s super disappointed with slow speed as compared to other older phones
Hi there,

I was without 5 GHz WLAN ca. 1 day after upgrading to iOS 14.4. 2.4 GHz still worked well on iPhone XS and iPad 8.

What I did:
  • (iOS units) removed both the 5 GHz and the 2.4 GHz WLAN network from Wifi settings

  • dis- and enabled 5 GHz WLAN in router settings

  • rebooted router

  • (iOS units) dis- and enabled Wifi

  • (iOS units) added the 5 GHz and the 2.4 GHz WLAN network in Wifi settings again

...and it works again. Will see how long. ;)


Since the 14.4 update I cannot open app store or safari and several other apps while connected to wifi. I tried turning off Private Address and it doesn't make any difference. My phone also doesn't show up in list of devices on my Internet app. Messages are not going through etc.
After IOS 14 update wifi drops connectivity very often even when wifi signals are strong !! Other android devices are not facing such issue proving wifi router has no issue. Is apple trying to force new Iphone 12 on us by slowing older iPhone ?
Can we get a bump for this issue? iOS14.3 and 14.4 give very poor WiFi performance. All my other non iOS devices in the house are getting double the connection speed. I've turned off "Private Address" in the WiFi settings and it barely made a difference. I've also checked there's no MAC filtering enabled on my router.
Just like the majority, our household phones are having the same issue. It is really frustrating that it seems Apple doesn’t do quality control checks with new ISO updates before launching. This is why I hardly update because more often than not it causes functionality issues. These phones are expensive, especially when you purchase right out. Apple please fix this issue or will be sending data overage charges.
The wifi issue on my iPhone X has been resolved in iOS 14.5 Beta. Finally! Update and check guys. The issue is finally resolved. No more disconnections now. Going steady!
I have an iPad Pro 10,5” (2017) and an iPhone 12. After installing 14.2 on my iPad the internet connection got really slow. Videos need to buffer a long time and run low res, video calls don’t work and even social media (Reddit, Twitter) is painfully slow. As far as I can tell the WiFi connection never fails, it’s just like there is some kind of software bottle neck. The iPhone 12 works fine- same router etc.

So far I tried the usual but to no avail:
1: Updates
2: Reboot
3: Forget the Wi-Fi Network, Toggle AirPlane Mode, then Rejoin
4: Reset Network Settings 
5: Disable Private MAC Address

After installing 14.4 today I had high hopes, but it only worked ok for a short period of time and then went back to painfully slow again. This is not acceptable!

02/4/2021 I avoided upgrade to IOS 14 because of reported issues, but last week when Apple on National news broadcasts highly recommended upgrading due to serious security breaches, i went ahead. Wished I had not. When on WiFi phone calls my microphone cuts in and out. When on cell network it's just fine. We checked mics and did all the recommended checks and all are fine. Then i found this forum and see I am not alone. This is definitely an IOS issue and needs to be resolved quickly as getting a new phone (such as I 12) is not an option as issues there as well.
It has been three days since upgrading to iPad OS 14.4 Essentially the iPad does not recognize the Internet. I am writing this note using the hot spot on my iPhone as a means of getting around this issue. What was working in the previous iOS release needs to be fixed.
Since updating my devices to iOS 14.4, I am having issues with WiFi connectivity. Most of my apps will not load when connected to WiFi as if I’m not connected. All non Apple devices in my home work seamlessly so that eliminates a WiFi problem. I have an older iPad that is not updated to iOS 14 that works great as well.
Apple, please fix this bug.
Yes, I have an Iphone 12. I just downloaded the upgrade 14.4, and now my phone is not connecting to my home wifi. I never had any connection issues previously.

Apple please fix the issue asap.
Yes! Constantly having WiFi problems
iPhone 11 Pro Max iOS 14.5 beta
it’s been ongoing since 14.3 beta I completely wiped/reset my iPhone after problems with 14.3 problem fixed worked till last night 02-05-2021
when I updated to iOS 14.5 problems with WiFi has started again constantly disconnecting/connecting taking forever for websites or social apps to load or refresh
Yes same problem tp link extender
i did
reset network setting
reset wifi extender

ios 14.4 iphone 12 mini
wifi 5Ghz speedtest download ~200Mb/s upload ~300Mb/s
ios 14.3 iphone 7 plus
wifi 5Ghz speedtest download ~600Mb/s upload ~300Mb/s

PC wired speedtest download ~900Mb/s upload ~900Mb/s

Home LAN 1000Mb/s
Router: mx5300 linksys
Hello everyone,

it seems this issue gets fixed if you go to settings > wifi > press the i next to the network name and disable “Private Adress”
Yes, after updating to 14.4 my iPhone 12 WiFi doesn’t work at all (won’t allow WiFi switch to toggle. No networks show up, of course)

tried hard reset and resetting network settings with no change to situation.

Yes, have had issues since Thursday 4th Feb, tried restarting devices and router still says password incorrect yet all other non apple devices are working without any issue. Have tried the ‘private address’ fix and still not connecting. Please issue a fix ASAP apple because I don’t see why I should pay my mobile network for more data when it’s an apple issue!!!!!
Yes, just updated to 14.4 and now wifi button us greyed out and cant be switched on. Tried switching airplane mode, reset network settings. Didn’t work.

not the first time though that i have this issue. Seems after every update i get this issue.
YES!!! It’s extremely annoying! Every damn update with Apple I always have connectivity to WiFi and to my car for Apple play! Now I also get when texting someone, or a text comes in the main text screen is completely blank as well as delay in keyboard texting! I’m about done with Apple! First I was going to upgrade to iPhone 12 Pro Max, but why waste the money when they can’t even include the charger or headphones?! Currently running 14.4 iOS IPhone XR. Maybe I should go back to android! Only reason I left was because of the note series blowing up! Just about had enough of the greediness from APPLE AND THE UPDATE ISSUES! Just because they aren’t seeing a issue with their phone doesn’t mean they don’t exist!!! Purposely messing phones up so we’d upgrade! Unless they give me a damn good reason, I will not purchase another phone from them!
CLEARLY BY READING THIS THREAD 1 too many people having same issues, APPLE! Please get your heads out of your azz and fix it! It’s amazing how other non iOS devices work flawless with no problem. So it isn’t our internet or wifi it’s Apple!!!! Fix it! Give it time and people will come together and you’d be sued! Plenty of proof out there that shows you mess with older phones so we’d upgrade! My husband is even having issues since the last update and after seeing what I and many others going through, refuses to update. Can’t say I blame him!
Fix the problems Apple I know damn well you’re reading these comments! **
IOS 14 WiFi