




Excessive battery drainage and heating up
I have the iPhone XR and updated to 14.0.1 week ago. I’m seeing a huge drain in battery and extreme warmth since the update. THIS IS CLEARLY AN ISSUE AND NEEDS TO BE FIXED **ASAP**** I have tried contacting support and I’m just told it’s normal! How in goodness creation is it normal week after update?! I understand may a day or two but a week?! Some here I’ve seen it happening to since day 1 of releasing this update. I have had no problems since I updating to iOS 13, and in fact, ran a lot better than previous versions. Since this update (14.0.1) it’s been a huge nightmare! between excessive battery drain and warmth, their has been other issues. Such as slowness, functionality of keyboard. (When texting someone, you can be typing and nothing appears about 30 sec later it’ll put what you’ve typed. _Apple! Please stop being in a hurry to release software updates WITHOUT full looking at everything. All areas need to be checked for accuracy. Think about the consumers not your pockets! **
Oct ’20