IOS 14 WiFi

Anyone experiencing issues with IOS 14 and wifi connectivity?
I have iPhone XR with latest iOS 14.3 and I have the same issue as described by most of users. When I am on wifi, in fact it is big *** pain to even browse the internet. Other (not Apple) devices at home have absolutely no issues on wifi. Please fix that. This is really bad thing for Apple. Thanks.
Same here Iphone 11 pro after updating to 14.3 wifi keeps randomly disconecting and automaticly reconecting. The problem is that phone shows its connected to wifi but it still doesnt work then for another 30 seconds and when it starts its keep disconnecting every 10 minuts which is really annoying for this expensive phone... Upgraded from samsung which had no problems whats so ever. Tried everything even bought 2 new routers which did not solve problem.
My grandma got an iPhone 8 Plus last week. Updated the software to 14.3 and the phone will connect to WiFi for about half an hour and then it will not connect. The WiFi button actually greys out, totally unable to even turn it on. When I reset the general settings the issue is fixed temporarily for about half an hour before the WiFi connection breaks again. Not an issue with the WiFi, it works fine on my 6S. Had support from Apple chat, apparently a hardware issue and send the phone in? I doubt it since everybody else has the same issue.
Same here
Consistent issues mainly on my ipad. Since updating 14.3 it will take forever to connect to wifi and randomly drops out. Using the hotspot from my iPhone it also takes ages to connect. I notice the little chain link appear on the ipad screen corner then it disappears. After however long it eventually connects.

It really is painful awaiting connections when you are on the move.

I trust there is an update forthcoming to rectify this issue.
Yes! I downloaded 14.3 about 3 days ago and ever since, my phone loses connection to Wifi randomly and every time I unlock it, I have to reconnect to Wifi. It’s not staying connected now to my home thermostat app either. Not cool!!
I've had this problem since I last updated to iOS 14.3 as well.

I went ahead and "forgot" the network I was trying to login to (Settings -> Wi-Fi -> (your network) -> (Info) -> Forget This Network) and then rebooted the phone. Once rebooted, I added the network back and all is well now.

I believe the official Apple answer is to do a "Reset Network Settings" but I don't want to lose all of those Wi-Fi passwords I have saved although something tells me I will have to anyways.

Hope this helps.
my new (and very expensive) iphone 12 mini has a terrible wi-fi reception signal!
my old xiaomi was way better capturing wi-fi in places where this one doesn't even show a bar...
Extremelly disapointed!

the problem isn't my WiFi Router / Modem.
With my old phone (android) and the SAME Wi-Fi, in certain places, the signal was weak, but it was stable and on. NOT now, with this very expensive (and for what it seems useless) piece of iron....
When I go somewhere that has a WiFi sign in page (like Dunkin’), it won’t pull up. It was fine before I got the 14.3 update, but now I can’t sign in to actually use the WiFi since the page won’t pull up. How do I fix it? It’s getting really annoying and making me upsetti spaghetti.
Yep, ever since updating to ios14 on iPad Air 2 I have had nothing but problems with wifi just randomly disconnecting every few minutes. Never had any problems before. iPad shows it is connected to wifi but there is no internet and I have to toggle wifi off and back on to get it to work. I have done every fix that I can find under the sun from hard reset of ipad to complete factory reset and reinstall to rebooting router to buying a new router to changing settings on router, turning off 5ghz, every single alleged fix, to using a fixed IP address, manually setting IP and DNS, everything Incan try I have tried with no luck. The problem happens on multiple different wifi routers at home and work and the hotspot on my phone. It is a fault with iOS14 of that I have absolutely no doubt and as usual, Apple will deny it to the death and then in a few months time, sneak out an update to fix it. Never buying anything with an apple on it again. I wouldn’t even have updated to iOS14 if not for the iPad automatically downloading it and nagging me to install all the time.
Yes, with both my iPad (6th generation) and iPhone SE. I can no longer search at all using WiFi. I have tried following fix suggestions such as hard reset, soft reset, forgetting networks etc and nothing will fix it. Everything worked beautifully up until a few months ago when it was just getting slower now it will not work at all. Tells me WiFi is connected but just doesn't work. My computer is attached to the same Wifi and I have never have a problem. I have even put the ipad and iphone next to the computer which sits next to the router but still no success. I work from home and this is causing me a great deal of grief. Apple please, please sort out this issue.
Yes, ever since IOS 14.0.1 I’ve been having the same problem:

My iPhone XR connects fine to our WiFi (5 ghz only), but after leaving it locked (idle) for a few hours and then unlocking again, I find that the iPhone has lost access to the internet and even our local network, I can’t ping my router or access any webpage. So I open my PC and login to the router from there and find out that the iPhone isn’t even showing in the connected clients section. Which means that it disconnected on its own for some reason. But the weird thing is, the iPhone still shows as connected to WiFi (WiFi icon in status bar) and when I open connection details, I can see that it still has its correct IP address, DNS, etc.

Only way to fix this issue when I encounter it, is to toggle WiFi off and on again.

This issue happens at random times, and only when I leave iPhone locked (never happens while using iPhone)

Updating software to IOS 14.3 didn’t fix it.

We have an iPhone 11, iPhone SE, iPad Mini 5, and Apple TV in the household (all latest OS) and none of them have ever had this problem. I have also made sure that our WiFi router is configured with Apple’s ‘Recommended Settings’, but the issue seems to only affect my iPhone.

I tried:
  • resetting network settings on my iPhone and then disabling private MAC address before rejoining my WiFi network.

  • Toggle off ‘Network & Wireless’ in Privacy -> Location Services -> System Services.

  • Toggle off WiFi-Assist in cellular data options.

  • Delete my VPN configuration.

  • Disabling MU-MIMO on router.

But none of these things fixed the issue.

It’s very annoying because when the issue happens, my phone cannot receive any notifications from apps. And I always have to manually toggle WiFi off and on to get things working again.

If anyone else experienced this problem and has a working fix, please post it.
Just adding onto this as another with a similar/same issue. I read through a few pages of complainants, however I didn’t see anyone so far having the same particular problem - connecting to a local router/network which is NOT connected to the internet (intentionally)... it disconnects after about 30 seconds, even while I’m navigating local pages!!

I can understand that Apple may have decided that, if a given WiFi connection is having intermittent INTERNET connection issues or speeds are drastically slow, it would revert to a cellular connection (for iPhone or tablets with cellular). That may be the case for some here, however, I would think that think that, developers of all people, would include a way to force WiFi (or Bluetooth), regardless of an external WAN connection or decreased speeds, etc...perhaps we just haven’t found the solution yet? Doesn’t seem that way thus far...WiFi Assist does not do the trick. It may stay connected a few seconds longer, but ultimately disconnects from WiFi. The only way I can stay connected is if I turn off cellular completely (I’d still like to receive a phone call though...)...

On a side note, iOS 14.3 was crashing a bunch of apps initially. I haven’t payed attention as to whether the ones that were crashing were updated and I haven’t seen any crash in the past day or two (as of 1/20), but something is definitely going on with 14.3...perhaps some more political nonsense, like slipping in COVID vaccination tracking??

I feel bad for others who are having a more critical need for a resolution, and hopefully adding to this list will aid in that. I usually don’t post about these kinds of issues but Apple definitely needs to have a more swift response...

  • iPhone 8 Plus

  • iOS 14.3

I've got problem too. Can't connect to the corporate wifi network with iphone 11 pro (IOS 14,3). The network is stable and working for sure (tested macbooks, other vendor laptops, android smartphones). Just facing the banner "Unable to join the network" after trusting the certificate. Tried to reset network settings, turn off "Private Address" feature. Still the same problem.
Has anybody solved this issue or faced the same scenario?
Also experiencing the unresponsive wifi module on my iPad Pro. I tried every possible thing to resolve the issue and conclude it must be an issue with iOS 14. I called apple tech support and they seemed unaware of this issue, unaware if any patch will be released, and were advised by their senior team to tell me this is normal behaviour for the wifi. If they do not resolve this issue with the next iOS update I will not be purchasing apple products going forward.
Began experiencing WiFi issues at home and both work locations a few days ago on:
  • iPhone 8

  • iOS 14.3

Tried Updating to 14.4, which did not resolve the problem.

Phone will "connect" to WiFi but symbol does not replace the 4G and never actually connects to the internet. Have tried forgetting networks, Private address enabled / disabled, other common recommended fixes on this and other forums with no luck.

Will be contacting Apple support shortly, but based on the consistency of users reporting that Apple techs are "unaware" of any WiFi issues since Sep 2020 I'm less than optimistic and will be considering all my options.
Haven't updated my iPhone 7 since iOS 11.x. Recently updated to 14.2 and instantly got 5 GHz connection hanging problems. Restored from FDU, resetted network settings - nothing helps. 5 GHz keeps hanging in minutes to hours after connecting. Reconnection helps sometimes, but not always. Usually rebooting the device helps, but now I'm just using 2.4 GHz instead. 100% software issue.
I’m also experiencing wifi problems, mostly on social media. I’m a digital marketing manager so I spend a lot of time browsing through pages and since I updated my iOS it has connection problems all the time: “no internet” “page couldn’t refresh” “connection lost” ... feeds and profiles don’t load, reels break up all the time. Besides being frustrating it’s really making my job difficult!

• iPhone XR
• iOS 14.3
I've been having a problem for a while, randomly started at some point which I assume was because of 14.3, I have a problem where the internet if on is still there but wifi stops working. My only solution is turning airplane mode on then off which only helps for a few minutes before I have to do it again.
Myself like many others with this issue do not use any type of VPN. So while some people may have VPN problems I don’t think that is the issue here as it does not apply. I just updated to iOS 14.4 yesterday and the wifi has yet to malfunction so I’m hoping the software issue was patched in the update.
Since installing 14.4 apps have crashed Words With Friends and Duolingo. Also the OS 14.4 has twice lost the password for my home network. Giving me the error that “Wi-Fi password is incorrect”.
Since installing 14.4 my game apps have not been working well. I believe it has something to do with packet loss.
I test my iPhone XR side by side with my laptop. Both using my home WiFi internet.

Testing from my laptop, I experienced 0% packet loss.
Testing from my iPhone using the same home WiFi, I experience up to 16% packet loss.
Testing again from my iPhone, I disconnect my home WiFi, and use my Verizon data, I experience 0% packet loss.

I've never tested packet loss prior to my IOS 14.4 update. Never felt the need to. But since installing 14.4, I've definitely noticed a degradation when connected to a WiFi network. Something isn't right.
I have an iPad Pro (2018). Ever since updating to 14.4 the WiFi has not functioned properly. I reset my device multiple times to no avail. Is there a patch on the way?
After one day of upgrading to iOS 14.4 the wifi connectivity issue has returned. I was hopeful they had fixed the issue but apparently they have not.
I've been having wifi dropping issues since September. Initially I thought it was my aging 3 x Airport Extreme setup, so I upgraded to a new mesh system but that didn't solve the issue.

Aside from the general annoyance of having to manually connect to our home wifi every time someone in my house picks up their phone, I've noticed our carrier wireless usage has gone through the roof. I'm so glad I upgraded to unlimited data last year but I'm worried that my carrier is going to start throttling our account ...
  • 7/19-8/18: 64 GB (vacation trip here so a little higher than normal)

  • 8/19-9/18: 40 GB (this is more indicative of our normal usage)

  • 9/19-10/18: 75 GB

  • 10/19-11/18: 99 GB

  • 11/19-12/18: 85 GB

  • 12/19-1/18: 79 GB

And then I made a huge mistake in December and bought three HomePod Minis. Guess what, personal requests don't work if your phone isn't connected to the same wifi network as the HomePod, so half of what I wanted to use them for I can't. I'm getting fed up with this.

IOS 14 WiFi